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Kingslayer completed!

Started by jalmonsalmon, October 01, 2012, 03:46:34 AM

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Hey all, I finished my kingslayer today and many thanks to Haberdasher for the tip on using 2 resistors to get the proper value for R19!  Got it wired up and it worked the first time!  I get the motorboat thing on one of the diodes as indicted in the 09.17 update and will try the R11 mod later if needed. So far I am loving the pedal and will try it later tomorrow with a deluxe reverb and give it a workout! One question I have would be about the D2, D3 and D8, D9 diodes. I am using Bat 46 and red LEDs and am wondering if you have to use all of the diodes? They sound good to me as is....  Pedal is sort of like a hotter version of a bad monkey or something with more dirt!  Clips posting later and thank you Madbean for all the hard work you do!  Here are the guts!  Excuse the rats nest because I am still a noob at wire management LOL
I chose the buffered version and I did not have the resistors for the 3PDT switch and had to pair up to get the proper values there as well...
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Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


A win indeed! I'm impressed that you were able to do that on the footswitch! Don't worry, the wiring will steadily get better--I've been doing this for a year and am still not that great with it. The main thing is that it works and you like it.


QuoteGot it wired up and it worked the first time!
Woop!  I always feel a little nervous until those first sounds are made... well done! :)


Oh I forgot to mention how when soldering the main IC, I accidentally went too far and soldered the holes for R19! That was the value that needed to be tepee'd together with 2 resistors = 392k  Doh! ::)
I was saving that one for last so when I was cleaning up my mess with a desolder braid, the end of C2 got the iron and is melted on the end LOL   ah well...
I inspected the board with a good magnifying glass and everything is clean, no shorts.

I have a clip of the boneyard (not even going to go into the issues I had with that one!) with the kingslayer boosting it and it is pretty gnarly
fuzz is a tonebender mk1.5
If I get time I will try to make some GOOD clips of the kingslayer in all its glory

guess I am a cowboy now!  cannot wait for the warhead and zero delay coming out !WOOT!
Thanks ALL!
Information is not knowledge
Knowledge is not wisdom
Wisdom is not truth
Truth is not beauty
Beauty is not love
Love is not music
Music is THE BEST . .


Looking [and sounding] good! 8)
Digging mine too!