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20. MUDBUNNY Pharaoh specs

Started by Liustucru, September 24, 2012, 03:08:41 PM

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I was really impressed by the Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh.
So I wanted to add it to my Muff variant collection.

I am not very proud of the way I boxed it. I forgot how tall the DPDT switches were.
It fits but that isn't very nice !!!

It was also the first time I soldered sockets on the DPDT switch but the legs are very fragile !!!

So I built it with the specs from this thread:
with 1N914 for the Si diodes and 1N34A for the Ge diodes.

Thanks to Brian, I also found an easy way to label my pedals: STAMPS !!!
This one was my first take... and I kept on labeling all my pedals this way with different fonts and colors.
I will post a family portrait soon.

By the way, it sounds very good !!!


It looks like a monster ready to eat anyone who opens the pedal ... maybe appropriate. :)

The stamping is a cool look. It's gives it a nice vintage-y look. Almost ... preindustrial.


Very nice!  Looks super tidy with those stamps


Quote from: midwayfair on September 24, 2012, 03:49:37 PM
It looks like a monster ready to eat anyone who opens the pedal ... maybe appropriate. :)

The stamping is a cool look. It's gives it a nice vintage-y look. Almost ... preindustrial.

Thank you to find something cool in that tilted board configuration. I also forgot to say that I replaced the electrolytics in the corner by a low profile one to make it fit. I'm still not proud of it but it sounds so good and very versatile with the Ge clipping... The tone shaping is also interesting but not intuitive. Both controls interact with each other but all settings remain usable.

I've just finished my Afterlife with the sensitivity mod you suggested and I'm very pleased with it. I has replaced my demeter compulator with no shame  ;) (build report soon)

Quote from: nzCdog on September 24, 2012, 07:31:46 PM
Very nice!  Looks super tidy with those stamps

It was my first attempt with the stamps. I think I should have written less letters such as VOL and SUS instead of full words. But I don't wish them to be perfect so I'm not disappointed  ;)


Can you tell us more about these stamps?
do you have a link to buy one?
looks really great!
Hi, my name is Wyatt.


Quote from: fish22 on September 25, 2012, 05:09:09 PM
Can you tell us more about these stamps?
do you have a link to buy one?
looks really great!

I got the stamps from a french eBay seller who sells scrapbooking stuff. Unfortunately, they are out of stock so I can't give you any link.
The ink is Stazon ink that Brian recommended me because it can be use for every surface including metal.
Currently I have black, silver and gold colors.
I will make some new build reports soon so you can see what they look like.