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A Weener For Every Occasion

Started by frankie5fingers, September 23, 2012, 01:01:35 AM

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Not sure why, since so many nice ones have been posted already, but here's another pair.  One's pretty much to spec, a nice NOS 3565, BC549 and the 5457 a great auto-wah type sound.  The other is spec'd for the vintage vibe, with 2925's (THX again Timbo).  Both have a little tweaking with C1 and C5, both have the 4uF.  One has an outboard Peak pot.  Both are all NOS caps and carbon film resistors and both are Whipples.  One uses the McConoPot (highly recommended), the other an Arteffact pot (THX Joe).  The vintage one is a '60's time machine - Tales of Brave Ulysses, Hendrix' Rainy Day... wow, or should I say, wah!
Anyhow, once again, thanks to Paul, Timbo, and Joe for the wah expertise and parts.  I didn't bother with pics of the outsides, one's a 535Q shell, the other a GCB95 - both enclosures are super clean.
I'm down to only two purchased pedals, working on my first LFO project; CJ's Shoot the Moon.  If I can muster the nerve, I'd like to try my hand at delay next.
Thanks, Frank


Cue whipple puns etc etc ;)
Nice looking guts there Frank... well on your way to a 100%DIY board! ;D


wow, looks nice! congrats on the builds. do you play Cminor reggae riffs with the autowah one?


All I'm saying is that I did not shoot the deputy....