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C9 in the Weener

Started by frankie5fingers, September 16, 2012, 04:42:31 PM

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So I found an old TRW .047 (10%) polystyrene cap, looks very cool.  Any reason I can't use it in place of the polarized electrolytic in C9?

Thanks, Frank


C9 is for power supply filtering and should be 47uF, not .047uF. It would be a bit a waste anyway to use a nice cap where it will make no difference tone-wise.


aaaand once again closing another chapter of "Why Frank Shouldn't Solder With A Hangover".
Thanks Brian, apparently I won't get to complete my plan to totally ignore the build doc... and the schem, which clearly shows C9 as the filter cap.
Thanks for the catch.  Now I'll hafta go back and recheck everything I put in the Shoot the Moon I started this morning.   oy
Thanks again, Frank


No problem. Save that cap for something really cool. Could be a good guitar tone cap, too.