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Transparent dirt/fuzz pedal Madbean projects- need opinions

Started by Om_Audio, September 11, 2012, 10:36:30 PM

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What Madbean dirt pedal projects do you think retain the basic tone of the guitar well?

I like dirt pedals that retain the open/natural sound of the guitar. Many however muddy the sound or otherwise add a density and non-clarity I dislike. I have experienced this randomly across a wide range of pedals over the years. There =are= pedals I like but the muddy/non clear factor causes me to not prefer them at all- the OCD is a great example of one that I like BUT I never use as it just sounds like it makes my tone cloudy and not immediate and clear.

I also think playing a lot at bedroom late night low volume has something to do with it too, but is not sole reason. I def know playing at higher volumes you can use less drive/dirt and overall sounds better. (I think of that wonderful engineering/producing trick when an artist just does not like "something" about a recording or mix, you discreetly raise the master fader slightly and will often get "ya that sounds better!" response)

LIKE: Fulltone Distortion Pro, Macheen, Zombii, Tech 21 Tri AC, FT Fulldrive
DISLIKE: OCD, Maxxon Distortion Pro, etc.

Also, I wonder if having a mix option on a dirt pedal would be worth considering as a mod to the OCD for example. I am pretty sure I have seen dirt pedals with blend or mix knobs.

I am trying to build up an order of PCB to get from Madbean/Haberdasher and even though there are many descriptions and audio/video demos I would like some opinions- I am a bit overwhelmed with my choices.


Current Madbean:
Discontinued but avail:
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For what you're describing, I really dig the Dyrekt Drive.  I got one from Haberdasher recently.  The toggle switch lets me go between a woolier, vintage-y OD sound to a very open yet present tone.

I also really liked the Green Bean a lot for that.  It is not your average TS9, much more usable IMO.

"I don't think people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." - Joseph Campbell


Thanks will look into these!
Funny, I just remembered I did a dist pedal shootout like 15 years ago and an old Ibanez Metal Screamer stood head and shoulders above the rest in terms of retaining tone. No idea if I would like it as much today as my tastes have developed over the years. It is hard to describe but instantly apparent when turning a pedal on. Even if the quality of the dirt is not to your liking it may still have the transparent characteristic I like.
The Ibanez Metal Screamer is supposedly a TS9 variant essentially- someone mentioned that on a post somewhere I think.

Found pic and info on the Ibanez Metal Screamer-

"The Ibanez Metal Screamer is from the Masters (L) series and was produced from 1985-1986.
It's pcb is very similar to the TS10 Tube Screamer and it has the famous JRC4558D chip inside."
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So here is an attached list of PCBs I now have on hand- what would you guys suggest to start with for transparent?

I'm thinking as options:

APIS klone
Green Bean
Dyrect Drive
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I would suggest looking into a 'blender'-type circuit, that lets you mix your straight and effected signals. I believe Jacob K posted about something like that, but can't remember where.....

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Oh ya, I was looking into that for the Sabertooth/Woolly Mammoth but I could apply it on other dirt/fuzz projects- thanks for the idea!

and JMKs blend design but none avail yet- see attached
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This can be somewhat of a tall order because "transparent" is kind of a misnomer to describe a dirt pedal's characteristic. No matter what, yout tone will be altered because of attenuation and amplification of various frequencies through the signal chain. So...

Maybe a better approach would be to start with a very basic circuit (i.e. electra distortion, etc) and experiment with input/output caps, clipping diodes, transistors, and tone stacks that will give you the least amount of tone alteration with acceptable clipping for your particular rig.

In general, LED clipping tends to me much more open/less compressed than other diode options so there is a start. Good luck  :)


The Timmy pedal is kind of like that.  Other than that, I'd probably recommend the Apis.  In fairness, I haven't build the Direct Drive.

The Cosmo is a wonderful pedal, and I highly recommend it.  I don't think it is the best answer for this particular question, but definitely worth building.
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Dirt of fuzz that's transparent? By thier very nature I don't think such a thing exists. You can get some that stay well defined,  but transparency, nah. Best you could do is make a blend like a Paramix and mix in sme clean single into the fuzz/dirt pedal.
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Ok, so I think I need to find a different way to describe it. You guys are being very helpful and it is forcing me to consider and expand my description.

When I play through most dirt pedals the open, throaty, immediate, defined, touch sensitive nature of my guitar disappears. The sound usually is akin to dialing the tone back. It is really challenging to describe the sounds and effects. Thin, harsh, quieter....

When I say transparent in the context of a Fuzz Factory this is what I mean: It is that the FFactory does not make a woolly less defined more removed or duller tone. It is high gain fuzzy and nasty but it has an immediacy and clarity of sorts.

In any event, I am just avoiding the fact I have a lot of projects to build and need to just get on with it!!

I do think I should not box things up right away, but build some up and try them out and experiment. I do plan on socketing any and everything.

Pryde- yes! I want to do this! I was thinking a Bazz Fuss or similar simple circuit, I will look into the Electra. Maybe perfect project to learn breadboarding at the same time. Will socket all diodes and LEDs! :)

Pickdropper- I have a APIS board actually, I will def be building that one up sooner than later.

Juansolo- ya I will be experimenting with blend for sure. I love it on my micro POG.

Thanks very much guys,

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"I will look into the Electra. Maybe perfect project to learn breadboarding at the same time"

YES. The electra is perfect circuit to learn breadboarding and experimenting. Also look at the MXR distortion plus, basically the same circuit except it uses an IC instead of a transistor. Get at it  ;D


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yep, Dutch hit it on the head. Build yourself a "bender" make sure that you use tranny sockets.
now go buy, barrow trannys and have fun mixing and matching. shoot smallbear a email with the sounds you are looking for and he will make a good recomendation on a good starting set    ;D
Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !


Yes I am def going to be experimenting with blend. I also did breadboard something but did the Dead Easy Dirt for starters. So much fun and learning a lot. I am building a master order sheet for like 20 projects and just got a bunch of Ge transistors from Paul and ordered double what I needed to accommodate experimenting and such.
Thanks again,
Sent via soup cans and string.


Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !