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Zombii AC128 question...

Started by greysun, September 11, 2012, 03:10:06 PM

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Hey guys - I'm building a zombii using perf and I put it together last night. The problem is the GE transistors.

i was able to procure some AC128's for Q2 and Q3. HOWEVER...

1) I don't know how to tell which lead goes to which socket (I can sort of see a triangle shape to the leads, so I can assume the middle one of the triangle is the center, but I don't want to just assume - these were like $5 a piece, and I don't want to mess them up)

2) How can I test them with a multimeter to ensure they work before installing them?

3) Do I need to do some sort of voltage regulation for these? I assume that the circuit has this built in, and that both of them can handle the ranges that the circuit feeds them. But again, I don't want to just assume things here...

let me know if you get a chance! Thanks in advance!


The best option is to find the correct datasheet. If you google "AC128 Datasheet" this comes up:

Also, you get an images result as well:

Perhaps either one of those links helps you out?

If not, generally you can't hurt a transistor if you have it oriented incorrectly. You can blow one if you feed it too much voltage, but wrong orientation is usually not an issue. So in theory, you could just start trying various orientations.

You could install extra voltage regulation, but chances high that you don't need to do anything extra beyond typical reverse voltage diode protection. Usually the voltages we use on pedal boards will not blow anything in our pedals.

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