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Dirtbag R35 and R36 values

Started by GhostofJohnToad, September 10, 2012, 12:09:53 AM

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Putting together my dirtbag and I'm not sure how critical it is to have the values listed:

R35 - 33.2 K
R36 - 24.3 K

Can I get away with a 33K and 24K or do I have to run resistors in series to get the exact values?

Also a question about the documentation for this build...R21 and C14 are shown designated 1K**, and 33n** respectively, what does the ** refer to? There is no matching footnote or remark about these.  It's like it's missing. 


Yes, 24k and 33k would be fine. It's within tolerance.

You can ignore the stars---they were from the first revision addressing distortion with v3205. If you are building the v3205, follow the revision dated 12/20 on page 5 which is listed in the current documentation.