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trapezoid yellow shark

Started by hoodoo, September 02, 2012, 10:19:40 AM

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G'day Madbeaners, Matt here.
Thought that i'd share the latest build, number 6 i think, a yellow shark come honey bee.
I was in a local electronics store and saw the trapezoid hammond enclosure, had never seen one before, so home it came and here it is.
I etched the board myself, it went together well and sounds absolutely fantastic.
I have finally got my head around inkscape and i'm getting better with the waterslide decal process,bit of a PITA but getting there, keen to give the envirotex a crack, looks great.
Well and truly hooked on this great hobby, got a couple of grindcustoms boards finished, just waiting on the clear coat on the boxes to dry, so they'll be up in a couple of days and ordered 4 more madbean boards the other day, so plenty to do. Oh and not forgetting the 3x1590a boxes i bought to give some mini vero builds a go ;D Absolutely lovin' it.
Stay Cool,


Very slick! Welcome to your new addiction ;D



awesome! I'm really liking mine. Makes my Neutrino sound meh ;D


I did the color scheme! Nice shade of orange. And since Lee Ranaldo uses a Honey Bee, I'm pretty much already a fan of the circuit!


great name (and cool enclosure). It's a weird little overdrive. Lots of different sounds hiding in there.


funny name, nice little box ;D==I may be making one of these soon, need just a few more parts --I like the bearfoot one might use those specs


Thanks for the kind words friends, i appreciate all the advice, encouragement and freely given knowledge shared by the electronical technomagicians  ;) on this forum.
Since starting this hobby not long back, i have scoured the internet browsing the various pedal forums and i think that this is by far the best of the bunch, thanks Madbean and co.
I've read a few mixed reviews on the yellow shark, it seems that some can't get into it, haven't tried it with humbuckers yet, but with a strat into a hiwatt, as a lighter overdrive, sounds great to me. I'm not much of a knob twirler, so when i've found the sound that i think the pedal wants to play, their they stay.
Worth a build in my opinion.
Is there much difference between this and the bearfoot specs?
Take it easy, Matt.