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KingSlayer project

Started by Neurowork, August 31, 2012, 05:57:21 AM

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Hi guys,

I'd like to build a KingSlayer and I'm doing my homework to make sure I have all the parts.
I have a couple of question though. Mouser is my main component provider.

I can't find 1n34a diodes. 1N4148 as replacement?

Mouser has a whole bunch of TLC274 with various prefixes. Which one should I go for?
**edit got my own answer from the notes :( TLC274BCN it is then.

I'm having trouble finding the switches on the Mouser site and pots, any help please?

I would appreciate the help.




looks like Mouser isn't currently carrying 1n34as. It looks like the NTE110 is one of the few germanium diodes Mouser has

socket those or try buying 1n34a's on Ebay

By far the most popular brand/size of pots is Alpha 16mm. Bourns, CTS, is good. 9mm are good for small builds. 24mm is for amps

-x2 of these

-one of these. the dual 100KA pot

OD toggle

Clip toggle

don't think Mouser has 3pdt stompswitch. get those on Ebay


Mouser will not have 1n34a diodes, they are long out of production and obsolete. They also will not have a good rate on pots or switches.

You would likely get a better deal by getting all your parts at Tayda, Smallbear, Mammoth, or other pedal specific places.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


The parts quality is generally very high at Mouser, but like Jacob says, they can be a bit more expensive for many things.  I still buy from them all the time, but I also buy from Small Bear, Mammoth, Pedal Parts Plus and Tayda.

Things like caps can be reasonable at Mouser, but you usually have to buy 25 or so to hit the price breaks.  Regardless of price, those are my preference for Electrolytic caps because I have trust issues with the cheaper.  For box or film caps, I get them from all over as they are generally very reliable.

Mouser is generally not a very good place to buy pots; they are generally quite a bit pricier there.

For the diodes, if you really want to get everything at Mouser, you can sub the 1N270 for the 1N34A and those are still available at Mouser (at least for now).  Part number 526-1N270.  Otherwise, 1N34A are readily available from the other mentioned suppliers.

Good luck and have fun!

Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Thank you guys, for taking the time to get the links and answering.

My main problem is to get part oversees as I can't find a proper place to buy the components I need locally (France).

Mouser has a local rep in France which makes shipping less expensive.

Do you guys now any good component shop for pedals oversees?




There are a couple listed on the Links page of the madbeanpedals website.


Can you get parts from Radio Spares or Banzai Music in France? RS is in the UK and Banzai in Germany I believe. I would expect they both have distributors in France.


Try either Banzai or Musikding, both of which are based in Germany, they both have excellent selection and service, shipping is a little cheaper from Musikding, and parts are generally a little bit less expensive as well, but Banzai does a better job labelling and packing.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Awesome, thank you. I guess I didn't do my homework properly.
Ordering from Germany is probably the way to go as we share the same currency. it is then.

I have a question about Capacitors for the KingSlayer:

I must say that my Electronics skills are a little behind me but I'll catch up fast. I noticed that C3, C10, C23, C25, C26 have polarity whereas the others do not.

I was going to get Electrolytic for those and film capacitors for the others. Is that the right choice?

Any advice on what brand to choose from? I heard that the original klon used Panasonic Exclusively.



Yes, anything with polarity should be electrolytic and the rest should be film. Except the two small ones (470pF and 392pF) which can be ceramic.

Don't worry too much about brand. That's mostly marketing hype. If you can get the Panasonics (ECQ-B or ECQ-V) great, but I don't know about their availability overseas. WIMA or Topmay box caps are also fine.



What about:
IC1: TL074
IC2: ICL7660S

I can't seem to find anything else in Germany :(


yes, that ICL7660S should work. at worst it might have whine
and yes the TL074 is specified to work in the build doc--it's a quad op-amp too


I don't know much about ordering in Europe, but it looks like if you can shop at farnell instead they may have the correct charge pump...


apologies if I am mistaken
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


Farnell will have pretty much everything, including the TLC274, apart from the germanium diodes.  Need to order £20, but then it's free shipping in the UK.  Not sure of in Europe.


I would recommend Banzai music. They have pretty much everything you can look for when it comes to stompboxes, and the advantage against farnell or mouser is that they DONT have thousands of thousands of varieties (of stuff that you need ... or not.).

In other words; easy to browse around their website.

I guess musikding is pretty much the same, even though i havent orderred anything from them. Banzai wins the battle anyway, becouse they have 1n34a in stock;)

Yes i still have Blüe Monster pcb-s for sale!

...and checkout: