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DIY Phaser Recommendations

Started by pryde, August 28, 2012, 01:51:23 AM

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I don't play modulation effects that often but when I do, I prefer phasers  ;D

Just curious what you guys have built out there in a phaser (besides the smoothie/phase 45). I have a smoothie and actually love it but just want a "stronger" phase 90 type as well. I have a matched quad set of transistors and parts to build a Vero MXR phase 90 but wondering if there is anything out there I would be better spending my time on?

I know 4ms has the Phaser Fluer that seams cool but all the whacky sounds I don't have much use for, so not sure. What else is out there worth building?

Thanks as always for your suggestions


You could take a look at Frequency Central's Causality 4 MKII phaser, that one is completely OTA based, i have 2 in the work, just missing one type of IC to complete them.

But if you step up to Causality 6, wich is a 6 stage phaser, 4 stages being OTA and the 2 others are JFET. And i think there's a daughter board you can add, to push it to 8 stages....

Also, i just got my Maestro Phaser from Brian, best sounding phaser i've played yet and i played a good bunch of them.....maybe there's a layout out there, i dunno but it certainly worth it.

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


The "Swirl" mode on the Runoff Groove Tri-Vibe is a really nice phaser that's a little more subtle and controlable. It's OTA based so no FET matching, though it's not an easy build on perf by any means. There's an etch image by John Lyons on the site. Plus you get two other really good modes out of it, a true vibrato and the Whirl mode, which is one of the best modulation effects I've ever heard.

I know this is backward (more subtle) from what you asked for, but it's an option. :)

And obviously LaceSensor's recent work is bound to be of interest to you.


THanks for the recs so far. I will be looking into these options.

I am not familiar with Lacesensor's recent work? Could you clue me in?


Quote from: pryde on August 28, 2012, 03:49:00 AM
THanks for the recs so far. I will be looking into these options.

I am not familiar with Lacesensor's recent work? Could you clue me in?

This thing:



The ROSS. Tons of tone and mods to keep you busy for weeks. Mine's got 5 knobs and 3 toggles.


the ross is great. I built a 14 stage version. fairly easy build and the ota" are  85 cents each at sbe.
tried lifting weights once....they were too heavy!


Quote from: asatbluesboy on August 28, 2012, 03:53:26 PM
The ROSS. Tons of tone and mods to keep you busy for weeks. Mine's got 5 knobs and 3 toggles.

The tonepad one?
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Ross phaser looks like a good possibility. Thanks for the recommendation.

I found this demo which pretty much is exactly what I would like:


Jeez I just stumbled across Bean's Stage Fright project :o
As mich time as I spend here you think I would have more of a clue about such things  ::)

Maybe I will sit tight and see what comes of this project, sounds like it will fit the bill if released. It looks like the "deluxe" version will have way more whistles than I need but hopefully a trimmed-down version will be available, similar to what's in the video above. I am really liking the sound of that demo.


Man, that Ross clone sounds amazing, even on the most extreme settings.  If the Stage Fright is anything like this, I'll be all over that.


I have not made the Ross on, but the tonepad version looks pretty cool. 

how about a 24 phase shifter... just need to figure out how to get that all in a stompbox!


Did you take a look at the Dr. Phybes from guitarpcb? I am about done with it but have not fired it up. 3 switches and 1 knob  ;D


Quote from: TNblueshawk on August 30, 2012, 04:23:27 PM
Did you take a look at the Dr. Phybes from guitarpcb? I am about done with it but have not fired it up. 3 switches and 1 knob  ;D

I'm about to get started on this same project.  Demos sounded great to me.


Quote from: TNblueshawk on August 30, 2012, 04:23:27 PM
Did you take a look at the Dr. Phybes from guitarpcb? I am about done with it but have not fired it up. 3 switches and 1 knob  ;D

I have looked at it a bit. Let us know how it sounds when done. Very interested.