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DIY Phaser Recommendations

Started by pryde, August 28, 2012, 01:51:23 AM

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Sure, that makes sense about the width but I think it probably just affects the higher frequencies, or at least from your clip it seemed so. I don't unserstanf what you said about the phase4590 , you can't dial out the movement in the sweep of the low freqs? That's what I love about them :D
We might be talking about different things though. What I refer to is almost always heard on slower speeds - I don't want the phase to...sort of stop, if you know what I mean. What you probably think about phase4590 is the inability to dial out the high freqs on higher speeds, right? - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: Cortexturizer on February 27, 2015, 12:06:21 AM
Sure, that makes sense about the width but I think it probably just affects the higher frequencies, or at least from your clip it seemed so. I don't unserstanf what you said about the phase4590 , you can't dial out the movement in the sweep of the low freqs? That's what I love about them :D
We might be talking about different things though. What I refer to is almost always heard on slower speeds - I don't want the phase to...sort of stop, if you know what I mean. What you probably think about phase4590 is the inability to dial out the high freqs on higher speeds, right?

My friend we may indeed be talking about different things. or perceptions of the same thing  ;D

What I was referring to is that low-end warble/thud that seams pronounced on the jfet phasers to me. Although I admit most of the time I am poor about explaining the noise I hear  :)

When I have the width pot full CW (lean) the phase becomes less abrupt and more "swirly". Its like the the frequency is either climbing or descending with no "hard" turn-around point.

When its full CCW (wide) there is a deeper phase that can get more with more pronounced on/off feel (like a sine-wave tremolo or univibe feel) at the turn-around point in the sweep.

Hope that makes some sort of sense. I do know that it is a really versatile and beautiful sounding phaser. I can't see how someone wouldn't be happy with it really.


With regards to the OP, I'm not sure it's safe for me to think on this!

Let's see... in no particular order:

2 - Smoothie
4/5 - Stage Fright
8/4 - Prophecysound Infinitphase
6 - PS-1A
4 - Doppelganger 1.4
4 - Doppelganger 2.1
6 - Nu-tron Phasor ][
20 (!) - Tau Pipe Phaser

Subjectively, stages for filtering, the best sounding ones are the optical ones. Of those, the toss-up is between the Infinitphase and the Doppelganger.

Infinitphase Pro's
- Single LFO, but insane LFO. Tweaker's paradise.
- SEQUENCER! Very tweakable!
- EIGHT or four stages -- very, very liquid on 8
- Intimidatingly big
- Needs 15VAC, not common
- Annoyingly big
- You can spend ages getting "that sound" if you're not careful
- Complete pig of a build, Wile E level

Doppelganger Pro's
- Dual LFO! Yay! You can get a kind of "beating", with this
- Slow and Square switches -- not as tweakable as Infinitphase
- More on the Dirtbag Genius level of building, but still quite do-able
- Lush, vibey sounds can be had!
- Runs on bog standard 9V DC

- Not as liquid as the Infinitphase, PS-1A, or Tau Pipe
- Version 1.4 had issues for some (2.1 is issue-free :) )
- Not as wee as the Smoothie (still a damn sight smaller than the Tau and Infinitphase though)
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