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DIY Phaser Recommendations

Started by pryde, August 28, 2012, 01:51:23 AM

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It may be another week as I will be out of pocket Labor Day. I could have fired it up tomorrow but for not having a 250k trimmer  :( Got a few dudes helping me out but alas it won't be here in time.

I decided to do 2 of the mods Tonman suggested in there just for kicks.

I'm also doing a customer build on the BYOC Phase Royal but I'm having an issue with that one so I don't know how it sounds yet. Have to troubleshoot to find whatever dumb mistake I made.


I'm holding out for the stage fright myself. 8)
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Quote from: Haberdasher on August 31, 2012, 06:38:29 PM
I'm holding out for the stage fright myself. 8)


I'm also pretty excited about building Lace's doppelganger, and last night I mostly finished a smoothie, just need to pick up a few final components. Still, my fave is the reissue script phase90 I bought just before I got into building.
"I have many leatherbound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany"


Quote from: angrykoko on August 28, 2012, 07:00:27 PM
Quote from: asatbluesboy on August 28, 2012, 03:53:26 PM
The ROSS. Tons of tone and mods to keep you busy for weeks. Mine's got 5 knobs and 3 toggles.

The tonepad one?
Actually, I was given a black ROSS (not clone) as part of a bulk pedal buy from a friend who said it wasn't working. Fired it up and it worked the first time. Modding fun time! I still want to try the Small Stone caps for all stages, though. Even when set to subtle it's still very deep.

Edit: I've RE'd it and it's the same circuit as the Tonepad one.


Guys, is anyone offering a fabbed pcb of the Ross phaser? - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: Cortexturizer on February 26, 2015, 07:58:39 PM
Guys, is anyone offering a fabbed pcb of the Ross phaser?
Maybe tonepad (smallbear) :)


no...unfortunately they do not offer the ross - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


I am currently working on my Final Project/Master Thesis' Report and have the next two weeks occuppied, but after that I could give the Ross Phaser a try in Eagle and share it on Oshpark.

I had a couple of overdrives in the works, but a phaser seems like a lot more fun!

But I am pretty sure the Ross Phaser is in tonepad's page:
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

Software Developer @


it's strange that nobody is offering this one...and whenever a new company shows up and steps into the game they think it's a very good idea to do a tube screamer layout...or eleven other classic ODs. I really can't understand that - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: Cortexturizer on February 26, 2015, 09:02:59 PM
it's strange that nobody is offering this one...and whenever a new company shows up and steps into the game they think it's a very good idea to do a tube screamer layout...or eleven other classic ODs. I really can't understand that

Wow old thread revived. From this original thread I did end up building a Ross phaser from tonepad. It STILL is my favorite phaser to date. I highly recommend the width mod as well. Really adds another dimension to the options. Here is the build report and demo of mine:


I'd like the ross phaser with extra stages on PCB, that'd be cool.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Hmm there are a lot of mods that can be included, but the layout would have to be designed for a 1590BB.
Quote from: pryde on February 26, 2015, 09:56:00 PM
Quote from: Cortexturizer on February 26, 2015, 09:02:59 PM
it's strange that nobody is offering this one...and whenever a new company shows up and steps into the game they think it's a very good idea to do a tube screamer layout...or eleven other classic ODs. I really can't understand that

Wow old thread revived. From this original thread I did end up building a Ross phaser from tonepad. It STILL is my favorite phaser to date. I highly recommend the width mod as well. Really adds another dimension to the options. Here is the build report and demo of mine:

What mod did you ended using for the width pot, Pryde? I saw a thread on diystompboxes were you asked Mark some pretty useful questions related to modifying the Ropez.
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

Software Developer @


tonepad ross it is. I'll get down to etching
(awesome sound on your pryde)

tell me, from the way you can recall, does it stop the phase on the lower frequencies? this is a problem that's pronounced with the nano small stones, and it is definitely there with the space harp (which I love, obviously). my V2 small stone doesn't do that and it makes for a world of difference. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Reviewing all my notes on the phaser project...

I used a 500kB pot with 180k resistor in series for the width control. I found it more pronounced and useful than the 50k/3k3 combo.

To Marko, to my ears the width/depth control does just that, it "thins" the lower frequencies so that there is (or is not) a pronounced warble/whoosh in that part of the sweep depending on how you set the control.

It is one of the things that bothers me about the phase 45/90 etc. that you can't dial out. The modded Ross can give you more control over that.

Another thing is to replace the 15k resistor straped to IC1 pins 6 and 7 with a higher value to increase unity volume. I used a 27k but you may want to socket this one.

I have a lot of notes and scribbles so glad to help if I can


Thank you for taking the trouble Pryde, your demo sounds awesome (I dig the "Zeppelinesque" sounds you get out of it).

I don't know what's about phasers, but the sound give me chills :).
It was the phasery sound John Paul Jones gets in No Quarter what got me interested in effect pedals for the first time.
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

Software Developer @