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Which solder station should i buy?

Started by fish22, August 14, 2012, 05:09:05 PM

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I'm new, and really enjoy pedal building so far.
I feel like I would be better suited using a solder station with adjustable temp.
What is a decent one for under $100? (preferably around $50...)
Im currently using a yellow walmart iron  ;)
Hi, my name is Wyatt.

Comfort Player

I started with a Weller and went through tips a little faster than expected. I upgraded to a Hakko FX-888 and love it.  Temp control, long lasting tip, built in brass cleaner.

Picked mine up off of ebay with a couple of tips for well below your budget.
Silence..... I Keeeeeel youuuuuu....


It really depends on the particular Weller station.  They make really cheap irons and some higher end stuff as well.  I haven't had to replace a tip on Weller in a year or two.  I can hot swap tips on mine, so I do change to different types, depending on application.

As Comfort Player said, the Hakko stations are also very nice.

The Metcal stations are really nice, but quite pricey.  Occasionally you can pick up a used one for a decent price on eBay.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


I used to use an old cheap Radio Shack Iron station and now I use this

I've heard mixed reviews but it works great for me! And beats the crap out of a 1980's radio shack'r.


Contract PCB designer


I got the starter kit from BYOC -

I think it was like $40 shipped and came with a bunch of tools, solder, desolder braid, etc. You can get the iron for like $25 separate, but whatev... The other stuff bundled in is a good deal, and the iron works pretty well.


+2 on the Hakko 888FX, love mine, it makes 3-4 months that i have it, operating 8 hours a day and the tip is not even used a bit! ;)
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


+3 for the Hakko 888. It's awesome.

I can also highly recommend Xytronics stations.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Cool. thanks everybody.
I'll go with the 888 then.
I like that it has built in brass cleaner and is sub $100.

Hi, my name is Wyatt.


check around on ebay for that 888. You can usually get it in a package deal with an extra tip or two for same price as ordering it from Amazon or wherever.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


I looked on ebay and didn't see anything better than amazon.

I went ahead and got it from Amazon so it will be here tomorrow along with a couple new boards!!

Thanks for all the advice. Im sure ill be happy since this is a great upgrade for me.

What temp are you guys running at for prefabbed boards?
Hi, my name is Wyatt.


+4 for the 888. It's changed my life.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


I've got the Xytronics 379 with vairable temp that is now discontined and it has really held up well over the past 4 years using it 4-5 nights a week 3 hours a night with no real degradation of the tip, but I am thinking of getting a Hakko for the more intricate work I am doing and getting into smd.  Electronicks Express/RSR still has 379's for $45, not bad at $1/watt with stand and brass tip cleaner.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups

Comfort Player

Quote from: fish22 on August 15, 2012, 08:45:46 PM
.....What temp are you guys running at for prefabbed boards?

I run around 720.  From the time you turn it on the Hakko can get to that temp in about 10 seconds.  :o

Entire thread on the subject here

Silence..... I Keeeeeel youuuuuu....


I got the 888 in and built my Hotcake Clone with it, its really nice and cant believe how fast it gets to temp!
Its just what i was looking for.
I didnt like the chisel tip it came with so i ordered another tip (T18-B).
I really enjoy the brass tip clean too!

Thanks guys!
Hi, my name is Wyatt.