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Runt: Ruetz Mod?

Started by skullservant, July 31, 2012, 01:22:23 AM

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So I bought a Runt thinking I was going to make a simple RAT. Well then I started thinking of more and more mods, and now I want to add the Ruetz. I know that it involves one of the 47 ohm resistors, and I'm almost positive its R4, but I just wanted to check before I soldered everything in

Thanks guys!


Yeah.  Compare the Sweep control on the Slow Loris.  I'd wire a B1K pot directly off of R4 and then wire C6 off-board directly off of lug 3 to the back of the pot (assuming your enclosure is grounded).  Good luck!


Thanks for the info :D

Going to get everything wired up now!