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Zombii question...

Started by greysun, July 25, 2012, 02:29:21 PM

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Hey guys!

I'll be building a Zombii pedal using Perf (I know the PCB isn't made anymore - but I'd buy it if it were to come out of retirement, hehe ;D ). I'm not sure what size enclosure it goes into, but it looks like a 1590B turned sideways (it's probably slightly larger after thinking about it, but whatever).

I'm wondering why the PCB was setup in a horizontal format like that - Keep in mind that I'm a noob here - I'm thinking I could just build it so that it will fit into a 1590B enclosure like normal with the 5 knobs (4 in a square, one in the center).

I try not to assume anything, and my assumption would be that it's not a big deal - as long as the circuit works - but will it sound different if the circuit has a different layout using the same schematic? I'm not sure if I'm making sense here...

Let me know if that makes sense in any way. :P

And, as always, thanks in advance!


I think the PCB was set up horizontally like that was to support the use of PCB-mount pots so you could cram all five across the length of a 1590B.  It, of course, also mimics the layout of the original pedal.  Layout should not affect sound at all unless you get some bleed-over and oscillation from parts or traces that run parallel to each other.  You should be fine arranging the pots however you like.


The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


That's what I figured both about the layout and why it's horizontal - I'll give it a shot and see how it turns out - there's enough spacing that I think I could run everything far enough apart to not have any bleed over. I really want a more standard layout, and I already got all the parts to do the perf, so we'll see...

And if that doesn't work - I'll order a couple boards from Haberdasher - In fact, I might just order the op-amp muff boards from there anyway, as I love those pedals and it would probably get me REALLY close to the little big muff sound that I love. We'll see how the mud bunnies turn out first, though, hehe.

Thanks for the quick replies guys! :-)


You can do a vertical layout in a 1590b as well but you have to be a bit creative and measure twice, cut once! Here is mine:



HOLY CRAP - what a tiny pedal! hrmmmm...  ;D