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Liberating, if a little scary

Started by juansolo, July 24, 2012, 08:29:31 PM

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Handed in my resignation yesterday.

It had essentially become intolerable at work (been there 16 years). My last chance was a request for a sabbatical which was denied, so my resignation went in. People who work there understand it. People who see it as me giving up a secure and well paid job in this day an age think I'm insane. But in all honesty there's more to life than money and sometimes when you're just not happy, you gotta take a leap.

I have some savings put aside, so for 6-12 months I'm going to take a break and mess with pedals and generally do creative stuff. Then, who knows! I'll be back looking for work, but not in IT, that's done. Might end up driving a van. If so, c'est la vie.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Hell yeah. Good for you.

Got any plans to travel?
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Good for you. Been there, done that. It only gets better from here my friend.


Quote from: juansolo on July 24, 2012, 08:29:31 PM
But in all honesty there's more to life than money and sometimes when you're just not happy, you gotta take a leap.

This ^^^

Best of luck John!!!  The pedal empire is ready for you creations  ;D

Contract PCB designer


Good for you dude. Someone else on here several months ago was doing the same thing and I said in that thread what I'd say here. My personal time is priceless. My time with my wife (we never had kids) is priceless. My time with my employer? A necessary evil. I know for a fact had I always gone for the money I could be making twice as much...and feel shitter physically and mentally and who knows, my marriage may have taken a hit in the process. You only live far as I know. Many time people wait until they are too old to really enjoy life and smell the roses.

So good for you and good luck.


Be happy.  You deserve it!

Money is important, but everything that really matters so often has little to do with it.

I will pray for you more than usual my friend.
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman


Quote from: jubal81 on July 24, 2012, 08:44:35 PM
Hell yeah. Good for you.

Got any plans to travel?

First thing is to get caught up on the pedal building and get the amp done.

Then, well who knows, gonna just take it easy for a while. Always fancied to have a mini tour of Europe taking in the factory tours/museums (BMW, Merc, Ferrari, Lambo, Porcshe, Pagani and the like. I am fairly automotively obsessed) and historic places (Reims, etc). It'll give me to opportunity to maybe arrange that and go for a run out. Just ideas at the moment.

I'm off to Spa/Zandvoort next week, then Silverstone when after I leave with the Juno. After that I might see if the guy I co-own it with is up for the idea of refurbing it (it's a little scruffy these days, if devastatingly effective). Otherwise I can see it getting sold sadly. It's a very expensive hobby and with neither of us working, it seems a shame for it to sit in the corner of his garage doing nothing. He's already roped me into helping re-do the roof of the garage!

Keeping busy ain't gonna be a problem :)

It always amuses me when people win the Lottery and don't know what to do with themselves (some ending up working). I have the opposite issue, I've loads I want to do and not the time or the funds to dedicate myself to doing it ;)
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


tell you what.

i'm 27, i've had 2 good jobs, gave them up to teach music (basically only way here to make money off music).

"people" told me to get a real job
"people" told me to get a degree
"people" told me the economy is bad
"people" told me everything is going up and everything sucks

basically it's been the same FOREVER. "people" have always been saying this and that, forever.

everything is the same and will always stay the same.

a bad economy or whatever is not bad for this one single person, it's bad for very very rich people.

even in a good economy i can't ever buy anything, in a bad economy it's the same, its just everyone is "aware" of it.

you made the right choice, because the heart wants what the heart needs my friend, no two ways about it.

life is not about money at all, life is about living, you work to live, and not live to work.

if you work most of the day, feel very very tired at the end of the day, don't feel like doing anything almost ever, you need a change.

you made the right choice, if anyone tells you otherwise, punch him in the face.