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Drilling bit sizes

Started by teknoman2, July 17, 2012, 01:09:25 PM

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I ve been a little confused about drilling bit sizes.
Correct me if  I am wrong.

For PCB we have to use 0.8mm bits,
16mm pots= 7mm bits,
footswitch = 12mm bits,
LED= 6mm bits,
Jacks= 10mm bits.

I don't know the drill bits for switches and dc jack.

Also what type (material) of drill bits is better and more accurate?


Contract PCB designer


I know step drills is the best way to go with drilling enclosures,

but I am not sure about the drilling sizes for every component.

I cant understand 3/16'' or 7/8'' sizes.

I have drilling bits in millimeter.


The most straightforward way is to drill a hole in a block of wood, then test the component's fit with no washer or nut (ie, how much wiggle room there is, or how hard you have to hit it to get it in.) Once you've found a bit size that is just right for that component, use that bit on the enclosure  :)
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Thanx for the tip but I don't have any blocks of wood,

If someone knows the exact drill sizes please help me.

Thanx again for every answer.


dc jack should be the same as the footswitch I think.
switches are usually 1/4" which is 6mm iirc.  you better google check that conversion though since I'm going purely off memory.
when in doubt and using step bits, just have the part in your pocket and drill one step at a time until the part fits through.  I have done this many times.
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Quote from: teknoman2 on July 17, 2012, 01:38:19 PM
Thanx for the tip but I don't have any blocks of wood,

If someone knows the exact drill sizes please help me.

Thanx again for every answer.

This chart should help clear the conversions for you:

You can also convert yourself.  If you have an imperial size, multiply by 25.4 to get mm.
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Still I am not sure about this conversion,

I must know exactly the sizes because I have only one enclosure and

I cant make any mistakes....

Thank you very much again.


Is it really difficult for you to get a piece of scrap to do tests for yourself?

Part of the problem we have in telling you is that we don't know what parts you're using, and we don't have your stuff in our hands. Some 1/4" jacks need slightly larger or slightly smaller holes than the ones I'm using. Same with switches, DC Jacks, etc.

There are two ways you can discover your needed sizes. Use a set of calipers to find out how big your parts are, then round up. So for example, if your pot shafts measure 9.6mm at the threaded part, round up to 10mm and thats your drill size.

Other than that, it's trial and error. If you have a full set of bits, or a step bit, you can drill slowly with your part in hand, testing it as you go. For instance, you might know you need to drill at least 3 steps, or at least 8mm for a pot. Once you get there, drill one step/bigger bit size at a time, testing your part in the hole each time. When it fits, stop drilling.

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ok I 'll do that.

I thought that there was standard drilling bits

that's why I was asking for specific measurements.

My bad....

Thanx again for your answers and patience.


Quote from: teknoman2 on July 17, 2012, 01:29:12 PM
I know step drills is the best way to go with drilling enclosures,

but I am not sure about the drilling sizes for every component.

I cant understand 3/16'' or 7/8'' sizes.

I have drilling bits in millimeter.

millimeters/25.4 = inches (just saw Pickdropper already posted this)

BTW: I use 8 mm for the 16mm alpha pots, I like a little margin there. For the SPDT switches I use 6mm is the right size, but that all depends on your switches. If you have acces to one of the things you see in the attached image, your life will be a lot easier.

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We have a 12mm stepper bit that goes up in 1mm increments (and a bigger one for valves) and I can tell you that:

DC jack sockets (the big ones) are about 13mm as we drill them to 12 and then have to ream them.
Stomps are 12mm
The Neutrik jacks we use are 10mm
As are the posh UK pots we use on Klone builds.
Alpha pots are 7mm but we drill them to 8mm for a bit of wiggle room.
Switches depend on the switch in question. Usually 6mm though.
We generally use 3 or 5mm LEDS

I pilot all the holes with a 3mm drill bit. It's the only actual drill bit I use.
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Quote from: juansolo on July 17, 2012, 04:27:23 PM
We have a 12mm stepper bit that goes up in 1mm increments

Where did you get your stepper bit? I can only find 2mm increments ...


I've got my 2 Lenox Vari-Bit at the ready for first use but I don't have a DPDT switch yet. Anyone know if 3PDT is same size hole? I have some of those on hand. Thx,
Sent via soup cans and string.


I know it's not SOP for DIY, but I just use Dad's set of drill bits that go from 1mm to 13mm in 0.5mm increments. (He got it in turn from Granddad.)
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