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Pedalboard Velcro Question

Started by TheLiam01, July 14, 2012, 03:50:32 AM

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I have just bought my first pedal board (a Pedaltrain) and before attaching velcro to my pedals I wondered whether the hard or soft/felt side of the velcro should be attached to the pedals. To me it would make sense to attach the hard side to the pedals and the felt side to the board, but I was wondering if there is an industry standard (so if I were to buy a used pedal with velcro already attached I would not have to change the velcro on it).



I've always seen and done soft side on the board, hard side on the pedal.
It works great when I want to play pedals on carpet and don't want them to move when you stomp on them, but sucks when I put one down on carpet and it won't move...


Yep, I always use the loop (soft) side on the board and the hook side on the pedals.

I also found the velcro that came with my Pedaltrain was useless.  I bought some from of the industrial grade from Home Depot, which worked great.
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I chose to go the other way. I found myself having to pick stuff out of the Velcro all the time. Plus it scratched up some hardwood one time as well. I switched to hook on the board and loop on the pedal and never have issues.

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Thanks for the replies. I think I'll go with the soft side on the board.