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Started by jkokura, October 21, 2010, 12:06:01 AM

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Hey guys, I try hard to only post my 'madbean' pedals here and this qualifies I think. There's a Ross Comp from Tonepad in there, a very early version of the Silverfox that got posted over at DIY Stompboxes a few Christmas seasons ago, and a brand new Slambox. I was trying to perf a Mosfet booster, but my perfing sucks so...

It's actually a fairly complex pedal. It's the second in a series of four planned 1590DD pedals. The first was the modulation station, featuring a flange, phase and trem set. This one is designed to be first in the signal chain. First up we have a buffered splitter right off the input. It sends the signal two ways, one to a Tuner output that could also be used as a 'dry out' if need be, and also to the first effect, the comp. From the comp we go to the Booster, a simple SHO circuit. From that switch we go through a pair of switching jacks which provide an effects loop. The nice thing about those jacks, even though they're expensive, is that they switch internally, meaning you don't need to plug a patch cable in and out to use the pedal. Last we go to the Barber LTD silver clone overdrive. It's a good creamy low gain drive. I wasn't sure if I'd like it, but I do.

And the Guts.

Part of me would love to be able to somehow redo this because I messed up on the drilling. The holes aren't lined up right, and the labeling for the knob functions are off too. It's for me, and if I ever sell it I'll have to deduct money for that but... ah well.

Next up is the Echo/Delay Station. I plan on having an 800ms+ digital delay with tap tempo and a 600-800ms Analog Delay in it. I'd really, really, REALLY like to see if I can sync the tap tempo to work with both types of delay, but I may only get tap tempo with the PT2399 delay. We'll see what the Blockhead turns out to be I guess...

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


that looks so good man! great looking build! i love seeing these pedals with a bunch of circuits all in one box.


Nice build jacob.  Do you silk screen?  Looks great!

I really need to build more multi fx's in one box pedals.  cause it takes up less room / cheaper / less parts.

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Looks great! I did something similar for a friend of mine. He called it the Overdrive Station. It has a  Bluesbreaker, TS808, and Rat all in one enclosure.


that is seriously impressive work! I wouldn't have noticed the drilling/labels being off if you hadn't said anything.. actually I am not really sure if I can tell.

I have tried too "crazy" projects one was a fuzz face with a pre and post effects loop, the other was a stereo skreddy mayo. I never got the stereo skreddy working.. the fuzz looper was cool but I hated doing it. Those complex projects really rack my brain you get all respect for even attempting to do this. really cool!

p.s. the new slambox board looks AWESOME!


Exceptional job!  That's a lot of wiring to keep as neat as you did :)
Contract PCB designer


Wow, that's awesome.  If I had built that I can't imagine how sloppy the wiring would be.  :D

Sub an orange squeezer for the Ross and that's the beginning of my chain as well.  I enjoy it.

fwiw, I can't even tell the drilling is off from the pics.  Looks like very nice work to me.
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I was thinking of putting an orange squeezer in with an Aristocrat?  I'm not sure how that will work out as I haven't heard the Aristocrat yet.
Contract PCB designer


That is nice :o, I see that the starwars font is you trademark
clean build as always
I really should build a multi-FX box , but i'm having trouble getting a big box like that in Canada


First, thanks guys for the complements! I do this with love, and it's nice to be recognized for doing a great job. This one isn't great by my standards, but it's usable and I appreciate the complements nonetheless.

Quote from: chromesphere on October 21, 2010, 01:26:06 AMNice build jacob.  Do you silk screen?

No CS, I don't silk screen. It's deceptive, but it's clear vinyl decal. I get them printed at a local sign shop. I can give you more details if you'd like.

Quote from: gtr2 on October 21, 2010, 12:41:48 PM
Exceptional job!  That's a lot of wiring to keep as neat as you did :)
Quote from: Haberdasher on October 21, 2010, 08:12:45 PM
Wow, that's awesome.  If I had built that I can't imagine how sloppy the wiring would be.  :D

Sub an orange squeezer for the Ross and that's the beginning of my chain as well.  I enjoy it.

fwiw, I can't even tell the drilling is off from the pics.  Looks like very nice work to me.

Thanks guys. I work hard on keeping my wiring neat and tidy. Debugging actually made this one WAY worse than it started...

I built the OS Hab, and I like the Ross better. The OS colours more than I like personally. However, a countrified buddy of mine likes the OS way better cause it's (his words...) 'spankier'.
Quote from: gtr2 on October 21, 2010, 08:22:28 PM
I was thinking of putting an orange squeezer in with an Aristocrat?  I'm not sure how that will work out as I haven't heard the Aristocrat yet.

The Aristocrat is a great, easy build. You could easily put it in a 1590DD with the OS in front or behind, it would be a cool build I'm sure. I built the Aristocrat into a 1790NS personally, and I really like it. I think I like it better on it's own though.
Quote from: illcom on October 23, 2010, 06:41:47 PM
That is nice :o, I see that the starwars font is you trademark
clean build as always
I really should build a multi-FX box , but i'm having trouble getting a big box like that in Canada

I'm in Canada...

I get all my boxes through PPP or Smallbear. I've seen Mammoth, but the savings don't seem to be so large as to steal my business yet. I like PPP, and their service has been EXCEPTIONAL for me. I don't like Mammoth's fine print actually.

Yes, the StarWars font has been extensively used. It's my default, but a lot more of my recent stuff has been branching away from it. I used the font in my logo, so it nicely fits to use it as a default.

Thanks again guys! I love to build...

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


Just finished my aristocrat in a 1790, but need the labeling done before I post pics  ::).

I opted not to place an orange squeezer in it as I wanted to keep it simple.

Contract PCB designer


Quote from: illcom on October 23, 2010, 06:41:47 PM
That is nice :o, I see that the starwars font is you trademark
clean build as always
I really should build a multi-FX box , but i'm having trouble getting a big box like that in Canada

kinda funny, hammond builds a lot of their boxes in canada.


Yeah - local places in both Calgary and Victoria that I've been to always have tonnes of different hammond boxes.
JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


Jacob is great that you've done, congratulations!

you can post an image with the diagram of the 3dpt??
like, connect the switch with one another?



Hi Herman, thanks very much for the compliment! I really appreciate it.

About the wiring - I can draw you a picture, but I think you can figure it out if you try!

Think of it this way - instead of connecting the output of switch #1 to the output jack, connect it to the input of switch #2. It's really quite simple.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals