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Started by madbean, June 11, 2012, 09:28:29 PM

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I took a lot of inspiration from Haberdasher's recent Collosalus build (IOW, I stole his idea mercilessly) when putting this together. The artwork was liberated from the internet and then I added the text, etc. I dig the look, although I think I will go with all white knobs eventually.

This thing has some serious fat sounds. It will take some learnin to figure out all the settings. And, it's so damn big! But, it was a fun and challenging build.

The Meatsphere is a project on Great board and layout from Taylor!


i built one of these. what is the second footswitch for?
tried lifting weights once....they were too heavy!


It's the 'Moog' filter. There's a description in the meatsphere thread over at DIYSB.


Man that looks slick. Yours and Haberdasher's etched plates look phenomenal!


Trippy. I've been eyeballing envelope filters for two days. The GGG one looked a bit suspect, but this looks pretty neat.

I'm kind of intimidated by all those knobs. I might look into a straight Mutron clone just to learn how to use it first.

Great job on the build!

2nd Edit: Read the thread and Silonex are a go
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Awesome, that looks great!  Man you put that plate together quickly, Brian.  It takes me 2 or 3 days to plan mine out, and that's if I don't trash the whole thing and start over.  Anyway, I feel honored to have influenced one of my diy heroes in some small way.

I almost bought the parts for the meatshpere on my last sb order but I decided to wait till next time.  I may just wait on the madbean mutron iii since I've got plenty of other stuff to build.

Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS



mmmmmmm. Knobbies.

Let the copper craze begin!



Quote from: madbean on June 11, 2012, 09:28:29 PM
I took a lot of inspiration from Haberdasher's recent Collosalus build (IOW, I stole his idea mercilessly) when putting this together. The artwork was liberated from the internet and then I added the text, etc. I dig the look, although I think I will go with all white knobs eventually.

This thing has some serious fat sounds. It will take some learnin to figure out all the settings. And, it's so damn big! But, it was a fun and challenging build.

The Meatsphere is a project on Great board and layout from Taylor!


I've never been happy with mine tho, the sweep,doesn't work well in the down setting, and the controls a just odd. I might have to make another at some point, perhaps I have bugs,

Does yours work 100% ?


Mine seems to work 95%. Like I said, I'm still playing around with it to get a feel for the controls. One thing I noticed is that the "down" sweep seems to be behaving a little differently now that it is boxed up than when I tested it on my proto rig. There are only two things I can think of that might have caused this: I set the rotary switch incorrectly, or the LED indicator that's tied to the envelope might be screwing things up. I'm not sure yet. Or, maybe I just don't know exactly how it is supposed to work (probably not).

Other than that it is behaving.