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9v Jack/plug wiring

Started by Willybomb, May 30, 2012, 03:38:02 PM

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Gudday all.

I've built a Little Angel Chorus that Haberdasher made me from the image Brian posted here:

In general, it works as advertised - when I run off the internal 9v battery.

Anyway, I've got a daisy chained power rig that runs off a 9.6 volt RC battery that I use on my grab and go baord.  When I hook it up to the LA, something is not happy, usually ending in the daisy chain sparking (near the plug that's in the LA) and making it's own magic smoke.  If I push the issue, it ends up with smoke coming from the LA jacks, melted battery snap wires, and more smoke.

Now, the thing is, I've followed Madbean's standard wiring diagrams and the Krankosaurus that I made at the same time works perfectly with the daisy chain (which now has to be replaced) ...  I've rewired the LA copying the Krankosaurus' 9v jack wiring exactly, replacing the wiring and 9v jack, checking the diagram as I went, AFAICT, and got the same result.  I've cooked the daisy chain, haven't opened the LA yet, but I'm stuck for what the problem is.

Any ideas on this situation?  Something has to be wired wrong...I'd post pics of the wiring but it's a fair pile of spaghetti and wouldn't be of any help to anyone I believe.


pics would help, spaghetti and all
Contract PCB designer


If anyone cares, we fixed the problem.

After replacing the jack, it turns out that it was grounding out against the enclosure.  The Krankosaurus doesn't do this because it's been painted inside the jack and pot holes, whereas the LA was masked in those areas when I originally painted it.  I fixed it with some masking tape anyway.

It would work fine off the battery, and fine when the jack wasn't in the enclosure, so there you go.  I thought that the jacks I was using would be ok for it, but apparently not, so it's plasic jacks all the way for me from now on...