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Aristocrat problem revisited now with voltages. Success!

Started by non-reverse, May 17, 2012, 01:03:24 AM

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Finally got back to an Aristocrat build (Version 4 build docs, single sided ver 3.5 etch from same V4 build document) I started some time ago and it seems to be mostly working now that I've gone over it again but one problem still persists.  I should preface the following info by letting interested parties know that I did all the testing/troubleshooting without boxing up the circuit as instructed.  That said, everything seems to be working except that when either of the volumes (Ch1 and Ch2) are dimed, the volume cuts out completely.  

If it helps, here are the IC voltages.  


Pin 1   4.37V
Pin 2   4.38V
Pin 3   3.84V
Pin 4   0.0V

Pin 5   4.25V
Pin 6   4.30V
Pin 7   4.23V
Pin 8   8.50V


Pin 1   4.30V
Pin 2   4.31V
Pin 3   3.85V
Pin 4   0.00V

Pin 5   4.20V
Pin 6   4.20V
Pin 7   4.18V
Pin 8   8.50V

If I can add any more info, I'm happy to do so....I'm just lost for ideas.  


Voltages look just about normal to me.

I would suspect your wiring to be the problem. Dime the volume knobs and then take voltages again.

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Before I posted last night, I realized that I wired the channel 1 pot to the LED pads and fixed that but still had the same problem on BOTH volume pots.  Discouraged, I posted here and went to bed. 

I read your post and decided to go over everything again and in doing so realized I had indeed wired BOTH volume pots incorrectly lugs 1-2-3 did not match up with the appropriate pads on the board so at full volume the pot was shorting (if I'm figuring it right).  The pisser is I managed to wire BOTH volume pots that way.  None of the other 8 million pots on the Aristocrat were wired incorrectly. 

I fixed the wiring and wouldn't you know it, it worked just as it should.  It's pretty noisy but I'd wager that's because it isn't boxed up, I've got alligator test leads running all over hell and gone, and I've got an electric fan running on my bench (for solder fume abatement) 

In any event, thanks for the help.  In the last few days I've successfully debugged two pedals that had been bothering me for a long time.


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