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understanding how to look at the board.

Started by mixermantim, May 13, 2012, 07:53:03 PM

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I am making my first madbean pedal.  I am having trouble knowing how to know which way to turn the pc board so I can put in the correct parts in there proper places.   I am counting the wholes on the sides and the bottom but they seem not to line up with the picture on the web site.  If anyone has any info on how to tell which way to correctly hold the board so I know  where my parts should lay out.




Welcome Tim!

Perhaps if you shared some idea what sort of PCB you're using? Are you using one that's etched or one that's manufactured?

I'm guessing you're using an etched one. If that's the case, are you looking at the side with copper traces on it, or are you looking at the side with no copper traces? You should be looking at the side with no traces, meaning that the the copper traces are downwards, towards the table. Then, you should be able to make it line up. Perhaps a picture will help us out if you can make that work.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
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Sorry for the lack of info.  I want to thank you in advance for your response.  I am looking at a etched board and I am making the slam box pedal.  If I put the board on my computer screen I can see how it should go.   I am guessing that the all the parts should be on the side that is not etched>?  That is real big guess on this end. 

Thanks for your help.



right, feed the component leads through from the non-copper side.
see how the copper pattern is grayed out in the layout?  That is indeed because it's on the other side of the board.  So if you are inserting a resistor that is 3 holes over from the right according to the layout, that's 3 holes over from the right while looking at the plain side.

hope that helps, and welcome to the forum
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


Yes this was a big help.  I will let you know when I have the video finished for my you tube channel.

Thanks again.
