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My Flapjack Build

Started by whitebread47, May 07, 2012, 04:39:58 AM

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This is my fourth build thus far and the most complicated.  Okay, so it is a fairly simple build all in all, but all my builds up to this point had been positive ground, no DC, no LED.  I even did away with my usual footswitch PCB and wired the 3PDT the old fashioned way.  

This has definitely been a build that helped me in building my skills up, though.  It didn't work initially, so I took a day off, came back and found that the ground wire had not bonded properly to the lug on the footswitch; easy fix.  I used an LM741CN and cream pre-drilled 125B from Mammoth.  I was first a bit disappointed that I got top jacks, but it didn't really make building it any harder.  I also opted for the B10k for the Gain pot.  I have a TL071 and a C50k lying around, so I may throw those in for comparison sometime.

As for the sound, it is definitely reminiscent of the Hotcake (I've owned two).  I immediately recognized the quick fizzy decay and unique tone.  The only difference that I can surely note is that the Gain range reacts a bit differently, but that may be because I used the 10k pot.  Everything just below or at noon works well for me through my AC15 (just as the NZ built ones did).

Oops, just realized that I forgot to glue the LED in place (it appears to have fallen back into the box).  :-\ I'll post gut pics after I get that done.


"I don't think people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." - Joseph Campbell


Nice. Definitely put the 50KC in there. I think you will like it better.


Got the LED glued and took some gut shots.  This was the first time I'd used these top-mount DC jack and input/output jack configuration, so things got real busy up top.  All in all, it was a fun challenge, though I'm glad I opted for the 125B.

Also, I got carried away twisting the pot wires, so the PCB fits kinda weirdly in there and I could have shortened the LED/CLR leads a bit, but no shorts up top.


"I don't think people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." - Joseph Campbell