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Not A Problem But Still An Issue

Started by frankie5fingers, May 03, 2012, 12:50:38 AM

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So I built a Serndipity using one of Keefe's board.  No trouble with the build it sounds very, very good.  Here's the thing though.  I forgot to socket C3, which I had intended to do so I could try a couple of different values to enhance the bass response.  I knocked C1 down to 220n and it's much better but still not piano bass response.  I used a 3PDT board so after boxing, removing isn't really an easy option.  Is there anything else I can do with C1 to get more bass response.  I also tried a 100n but didn't see much difference.  What would happen if I jumpered C1?


You can't jumper C1. It's there to decouple the AC guitar signal from the DC path of the effect. Reducing cap values generally means reducing bass response, not the other way around.

Increase C3 to shift the range of clipped frequencies downward. A 220n or 330n should suffice.


THX Brian - I swapped C3 for a 220n - that's the ticket.  I was kind hoping that I could find a short cut, but I know, no such thing.  Replaced and perfect.  BTW, knocking down the input cap to 220n as well seemed to make it get along a little better with my 59 mid-heavy tweed.
Thanks again for the reply, love the Serendipity BTW, just like the Weener.  The MB boards are by far, my favorite builds.  I appreciate your efforts, Frank


Cool, glad it worked out. Good call about C1--100n is usually more than enough. 470n is a bit overkill, IMO. Maybe they chose that for impedance reasons? Dunno.