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Learning pains

Started by icecycle66, April 22, 2012, 02:47:28 AM

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I spent a few weeks trying to start a Macheen build and failed.  I eventually found out that the reason nothing was working was because of my circuit board.  Screw that, I'm not making my own anymore.

Madbean and Haberdasher will get a lot of business from me.

Tonight I finished putting all the wires and parts together.  The effect sounds great. My fingers hurt.  I've burnt the hell out of my left index finger.  I have a burn on the top and my tip is a little cooked.  That sucks.

Next week I will move on to the enclosure.  Let's see how that goes.


If it was easy everyone would be doing it  :)

Contract PCB designer


Quick tip: if you burn your finger on your soldering iron, quickly hold the burn to your earlob which will draw the heat out and reduce the burn's effect.

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If you drop the iron, don't bother trying to pick it up, just get out of the way and retrieve it once it's stopped rolling around the floor. Just like dropping a knife.

I remember keeping my index finger in a glass of ice water one night... too used to holding a pen to write with I guess!
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i finished my first enclosure about a week and a half ago.  i didn't burn my fingers but i did break a soldering iron in childlike frustration.

keep it up.  it can be frustrating but it's also so much fun;  just like disc golf.


Another bit of advice that I'd throw out there is to walk away for a little while if you find yourself stumped.  I find that simple problems are often solved rather quickly when I revisit them a bit later.
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Quote from: pickdropper on April 22, 2012, 04:06:19 AM
Another bit of advice that I'd throw out there is to walk away for a little while if you find yourself stumped.  I find that simple problems are often solved rather quickly when I revisit them a bit later.

This ^^
Contract PCB designer


Be sure to wear safety glasses when drilling, and try not to drill through any body parts.


Be careful when clipping the resistor leads. They can go everywhere. Avoid your eyes and the floor because stepping on them SUCKS.


I still burn myself every time I build something. Just a nick.


Quote from: sgmezei on April 22, 2012, 07:37:41 PM
Be careful when clipping the resistor leads. They can go everywhere. Avoid your eyes and the floor because stepping on them SUCKS.

It sure does.  I rate it #2 behind stepping on legos in the middle of the night.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: jkokura on April 22, 2012, 02:54:28 AM
Quick tip: if you burn your finger on your soldering iron, quickly hold the burn to your earlob which will draw the heat out and reduce the burn's effect.


I am so surprised by this suggestion that I almost went to heat up my iron to burn myself and try it. Almost.... 
No reason to doubt you, but does this really work?  ???

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Yeah, it works.  I learned it back when I used to hit the bong regularly.  Don't really miss those days!
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BECaREFUL clipping the little nub on the potentiometers.. They do go flying.. Specially twords pets and children. And guitars hanging on the wall.. This is NO lie.


Quote from: timbo_93631 on April 22, 2012, 09:02:31 PM
Yeah, it works.  I learned it back when I used to hit the bong regularly.  Don't really miss those days!

are you sure you just weren't so high that you thought it worked.  i once thought i wrote a masterpiece when i was high, then i read it sober.  i went from being kurt vonnegut to stephenie meyer.