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Krank Distortus Maximus!

Started by EndlessOcean, April 05, 2012, 05:04:04 PM

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very cool pedal, does everything.

Looks a little like that.

Similar to the Dr Boogie with a lower parts count yet capable of a similar sound.

Cool stuff.


Just curious, and looking at this through my Moderator glasses... are you placing this in the requests section because you want to see a project from it? Because what you just posted is a PCB layout to an already existing project posted elsewhere. Is this layout yours and something you are sharing?


I can't buy an etched PCB anywhere. This circuit has existed for a while in the vero/perf world for some time but I cannot find an etched PCB and am not ready to either etch my own, or use vero or perf board. I'd prefer to buy a PCB for a few $$ and have the peace of mind.

I posted this to essentially say that hard work is done, it just needs taken to the level of commercial development and not bedroom tinkering which it is currently at, as no PCB supplier sells this board (yet).

If I'm wrong, and you can send me a link to where I can buy the PCB, then I'll withdraw this post... it just seems like a cool pedal, a cool opportunity to increase the range of saleable product, and a tested/verified build already... just needs power to bring it to market.

Or... delete this post.



I think my post came across the wrong way, and I apologize for that. I was just asking for clarification, and you gave me that, so everything is good. The post can stay up here and Brian (or someone else who manufactures boards) can get back to you on that.

Thanks for clarifying.



I think you may want to remove the image if it isn't yours. Other than that, I can look at doing a layout for you if can provide a schematic. Either link one from somewhere else or post the schematic if it's your own artwork. Alternatively you can PM or email me.

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