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In Search of a Manual

Started by CRBMoA, September 19, 2010, 04:41:01 AM

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I decided that to move up from a paint-by-numbers builder, I would need to learn.

To further my education, earlier this year I picked up a Sencore TF-17 Transistor & FET Tester. I haven't researched when Sencore made them, but this one has to be about 30 years old. Probably older, because the Service Manual that came with it refers to FET types as 'fairly new'.

The manual also refers to a SENCORE FET and TRANSISTOR REFERENCE BOOK that came with the original tester. Sure enough, there is a place for one, and I have seen pics of a spiral bound book, that I do not have, in some interweb pics.

I have Googled and Binged, but as this is a highly specialized item that is part of another highly specialized item, I am not having much luck.

I know that there are data sheets for any tranny I could ever want to test, BUT, according to the manual:

"Note: The Chart [in the book I do not have] shows the maximum leakage at four volts, which is the TF17 test voltage. The manufacturer's published figure is often given at voltages higher than four volts. To simplify leakage testing, the published figure was converted to that shown."

Being a bass player, the paragraph above has lots of words, which I understand to mean - "There is some math here, and you are going to need your fingers AND your toes.".

So, I'd much rather have the book.

I would download it and/or buy it, if I could just FIND it!

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.



Hi cb,

I don´t know what you´re willing to spend, but this one is supposed to have all book with it....

I´ll be on the lookout for any others.