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4ms Effects PCB's?

Started by claytushaywood, March 30, 2012, 06:15:17 PM

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Looks like good prices, crazy effects, and very nice layouts with some having all board mounted pots (24mm pc mounts too!) I love the phaseur and the panneur looks like it might be cool as hell for a two amp setup.

Anyone build any of these recently?  I remember finding this site a long, long time ago, and wishing and dreaming.  sorry if this was over discussed 3 years ago, i play a lot of synth and this stuff looks awesome!


I own a noise swash distortion. Insane awesome pedal.. I haven't been able to find a use for it live yet since it's so delicate with the controls effecting each other, but you could dial any sound of that thing. I asked Dann about the Panneur and he said it's just two tremulus lunes stuck together so those can be used without stereo. I was also thinking about building a Phaseur or the lune but decided to wait a little and instead go with a tap tempo tremolo from musicpcb since it has 8 different waves of modulation. 4ms is awesome though imo.


did you build the noise swash?


I built their Tremulus Lune recently ( It sounds very good and doesn't thump or click as much as older Lune versions did. They seem to keep up with the DIYstompboxes forum improvements pretty well.

Their boards are very "comfy" and spaced out; you're pretty much limited to 1590BBs if you build their stuff.


I've done the trem lune and the phaser fluer. the phaser is awesome if a little bit of a pain to bias but worth the effort. does a great unvibe tone. standard phaser sounds and some crazy extreme settings as well and they both are highly modable. instructions could be clearer but as long as you arent a total beginner they shouldn't prevent a successful build. the have art work for etching your own boards and their fabbed boards are high quality. I'm building a fully loaded phaser from them at the moment and will post a build report when I get done
I got blisters on my fingers!!!


i didn't build the noise swash. i actually bought it right before i started diy, but from what I hear it's not too hard. I'm a big fan of how they strive for insane sounds. I wanna build me one of these soon :)


Tremulus Lune is awesome!

I did mine using the Tonepad layout with some of the extra mods.


The Lune is pretty sweet. I did up my own version with a simplified LFO (three pots instead of five):
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


I built the Tremulus Lune from their kit and it was one of the easiest builds I've ever done. They accidentally gave me an incorrect resistor value, but I caught it before soldering and Dann was quick to mail me a replacement. Great pedal, great people.


I'm in the process of revamping my amp- I am going to add a preamp out tap for each channel (silverface fender) I'm going to Use 2 switching jacks- one for each channel in a manner that i'll be able to run stereo into the normal and vibrato channel-  preamp out the normal channel into a seperate power amp and into one of the speakers in the fender cab or an external cab- and use the fender's power amp and cab on the vibrato channel. 

I've been interested in stereo for a while.  I was thinking their phaseur and panneur would be awesome.  Anyone use the panneur or phaseur for a stereo rig?  And does anyone know where I can find some info on running stereo without all the problems?

Kinda changing topic- but 4ms does stereo effects to the max- so where are my stereo friends?


Quote from: monkeyssj1 on March 31, 2012, 12:39:14 AM
i didn't build the noise swash. i actually bought it right before i started diy, but from what I hear it's not too hard. I'm a big fan of how they strive for insane sounds. I wanna build me one of these soon :)

and that's what i'm talking about- that's definitely going to nearly the top of my list!!!  that thing sounds amazing and i've just begun to check it out.  I used to be in a completely improv jam drone band called Binge Clergy... I miss that so much.  having out of body experiences nearly every practice... it was cool.  check out "emeralds- gneiss things" youll dig it- and mark mcguire is the guitar player in that band- that's my style jams right there


hah okay sick. i'll check em out later tonight