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Maestro Brass Master/B:Assmaster clone?

Started by Om_Audio, March 15, 2012, 06:41:23 AM

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My friend has a Malekko B:Assmaster ( and I recently discovered it is itself a modern take on an older design- the Maestro Brass Master.
I have found info on a clone of the Maestro:
But what I really want to do is build one that is as much like the B:Assmaster as possible- even the expression pedal input would be cool.
Has anyone here any thoughts or experience with this project?
Sent via soup cans and string.


I think GGG sell a board/kit. Might be worth a look.


I built one off of the GGG project for a bass player in Nashville (i think it's in the build reports). The sucker is LOUD. He ended up sending it back to me and I added an master Volume pot on the side. It was a very challenging build because there is a lot of wiring and the layout is VERY tight.

It was fun. I was so happy that it fired up and worked on the first try because it would have been a pain to debug. 


Yes thanks- forgot to mention I have looked at the GGG project/kit. Again, my main goal is to replicate the Malekko/updated version. I also just saw the Wolftone Chaos (Ampeg Scrambler clone) which is nice too- and again same boat where I can find clones of the originals but have only heard modern variations so I don't know how the originals compare. I think I need to spend some time trying to find audio/video examples of the originals to see how they compare to the modern variants I have heard/like. Thanks- C
Quote from: raulduke on March 15, 2012, 09:44:20 AM
I think GGG sell a board/kit. Might be worth a look.
Sent via soup cans and string.


Quote from: irmcdermott on March 15, 2012, 03:43:07 PM
I built one off of the GGG project for a bass player in Nashville (i think it's in the build reports). The sucker is LOUD. He ended up sending it back to me and I added an master Volume pot on the side. It was a very challenging build because there is a lot of wiring and the layout is VERY tight.

It was fun. I was so happy that it fired up and worked on the first try because it would have been a pain to debug. 

I remember that build... Souzaphone? Awesome build and super tight guts!


yeah, that was the one... now there is a volume pot mounted to the side of it. fun project!


I have also build the GGG kit.  It sounds awesome (to my ears) and the bassist I gave it too loves it. But loud is an understatement, it is blow the bleeping speakers right out of the cab loud. Also I found the switches are totally unneeded as there is only one good position for each of them (harm on, and Bass 1 if I remember).  The Sens knob really need adjusting as well from what is listed in the kit, it goes from 0 to destruction in about 1/6th of a turn.  Also the GGG enclosure layout is rediculous.  It really needs to be in something taller than a 1590BB (there is a 1590BBT listed on Mammoth that is almost 2 in tall that should work). I wasnt able to get the nut on the DC jack no matter what I tried.

But man is it sweet, having the ability to mix back in the dry bass signal work really well with fuzz as you can bring back in the bottom end.

My 0.02 (CAD)


Quote from: irmcdermott on March 15, 2012, 03:43:07 PM
I built one off of the GGG project for a bass player in Nashville (i think it's in the build reports). The sucker is LOUD. He ended up sending it back to me and I added an master Volume pot on the side. It was a very challenging build because there is a lot of wiring and the layout is VERY tight.

It was fun. I was so happy that it fired up and worked on the first try because it would have been a pain to debug. 

I have one I've been meaning to get around to for years now. How did you implement the Master Volume? 100K pot to GND at end of circuit?
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on March 21, 2012, 05:04:11 PM
How did you implement the Master Volume? 100K pot to GND at end of circuit?

Yup. 100k, connected the circuit board output to lug 3, lug 1 to ground, lug 2 to the output jack. Had to mount it on the side in order for it to fit.


I'll definitely do that when I build mine. That's a great name btw.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Awesome, thanks irmcdermott.  Here I was trying to figure out how I was going to adjust the existing pot values to tame it down a but, this is way easier.  Well except that I have no idea how I am ever going to cram another knob in there  ::).


Use smaller pots?
Also- to remind everyone- I am still very interested if anyone has exp comparing a clone to the Malekko version.
Quote from: DuctTapeRiot on March 21, 2012, 10:01:34 PM
Awesome, thanks irmcdermott.  Here I was trying to figure out how I was going to adjust the existing pot values to tame it down a but, this is way easier.  Well except that I have no idea how I am ever going to cram another knob in there  ::).
Sent via soup cans and string.


Quote from: irmcdermott on March 21, 2012, 07:06:09 PM
Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on March 21, 2012, 05:04:11 PM
How did you implement the Master Volume? 100K pot to GND at end of circuit?

Yup. 100k, connected the circuit board output to lug 3, lug 1 to ground, lug 2 to the output jack. Had to mount it on the side in order for it to fit.

I attempted this but must've done something wrong.  It controls the volume of the entire signal chain, even with the effect bypassed.  Thanks in advance for the help!