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Madbean Glitterati

Started by lukatosh, March 09, 2012, 07:54:41 PM

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Hello Friends! ... I'm Lucas and I'm writting from Chile!

I've build the bb preamp...but i have a problem... my pedal has less gain than videos on youtube... how can increase gain in the pedal?

excuse my bad English :/

thanks so much! :)


Welcome to the forum!  If you're not getting as much gain as you think you should from this pedal, something is probably wrong with your build.  Triple check all of your component values and inspect the back of the board for suspicious looking solder joints.  Instead of approaching this from a "how to get more gain" perspective, I recommend you take a "let's make sure it's built correctly" look at it.

First off, by "gain" do you mean "distortion" or "volume"?  Next, if you'd like us to help debug your build, please post the following:

1. In-focus, well-lit, high-resolution photos of both sides of the board. 

2. Voltage readings from the pins of IC1, IC2, Q1 and Q2.

3. Any component substitutions you may have made.  What chip, what transistors, what diodes?

4. Other than the gain problem do all other controls work as expected?

Thanks and good luck!



I only want more output volume :)

what can I do?


1, 2 and 3 (see above). ;)

If your pedal doesn't have enough output volume, there is either a mistake in the build or a malfunctioning component.  We can't help you debug it without additional information.


I tend to agree. If your output volume is that low we should try to find what went wrong. You might be able to get some additional volume out as is if you increase the volume pot to 500kB.