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MudBunny/ Mayo PCB/Layout values

Started by SGJarrod, September 07, 2010, 07:38:19 PM

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I recently bought the MudBunny PCB from Madbean but have notice that the part Values on the capacitors and resistors do not match the part values for the Mayo.... does anyone have build experience with this PCB.... is it really a Mayo layout and sound like a Mayo or is it just loosely based on the Mayo?


I'd say it's going to sound pretty much just like a Mayo, it's just that Brian (Madbean) take the signal on a different route through different combinations of caps and resistors to get the same voltage values at the key locations in the circuit, therefore creating the same sound as the Mayo. 

However, if anyone finds this interpretation to be incorrect please feel free to correct me.  :)


the cap values that Brian uses are deffinately much more common values and easier to find at local electronic stores or even laying around my desk, which is a plus in my book


There are some values which are hard to get, mostly in the States. Stuff like 2n, 3n, 5n. In these cases I often list the next closest value to make things simple. Also, to avoid having lots of emails asking me where to source these parts. You can still get some of these values in the mylar varieties (greenie caps). But, whenever you change a cap value, you can often change the value of the preceding resistor to get the same frequency roll-off (when used for tone controls, for example). All you need to know if the basic formula: f = 1/(2*pi*R*C).


So this does end up working out to be a Mayo, even with the different values?


Quote from: kinski on August 05, 2011, 12:46:50 PM
So this does end up working out to be a Mayo, even with the different values?

Yes, like Bean said the changes are mostly to make it easy to source the parts.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Thanks. I built this thing today and added the 2-way mid switch. Sounds awesome! This is the first muff style pedal I've ever owned! Might add a 3-way switch so I can have scooped, neutral, and boosted mids.


Quote from: kinski on August 07, 2011, 01:58:21 AM
Thanks. I built this thing today and added the 2-way mid switch. Sounds awesome! This is the first muff style pedal I've ever owned! Might add a 3-way switch so I can have scooped, neutral, and boosted mids.

Awesome! What values did you end up using on your switch? I didn't even think about doing that.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Hey, I did the stock mid switch, which is a 4n7 cap parallel with C10. I actually prefer the addition of the 4n7 cap, as it can sound a bit too scooped in the mids for my liking without it, but its nice to have both.