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First Madbean Build (Macheen)

Started by bigrigg, February 28, 2012, 12:41:55 AM

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Hey there,
nice to be here.  Here is my first Madbean build.  The Gorf Monster, named after my little daughter.  Hope you like.  Workin on a Loophole right now   


Congrats- looks great for a first build! What value did you use for trim (Intensity)? I also did a Macheen for my first build- not as clean as yours but good god do i love it along with my Zombii:
and an interesting discussion on external trim options:
Sent via soup cans and string.


Nice paint job!  Candy powder coat?  Looks good.  Did you do it yourself?  Most people spray a silver undercoat with candys, but i like the look of the metal grain under the coating.

Edit: looks like its got a bit of a sparkle too, spacey, i like it!

Well done mate, looks great!
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LOL, more accurately, "The Gorf Monster"??
Quote from: jkokura on February 28, 2012, 03:10:26 AM
You named your daughter Gorf?

Sent via soup cans and string.


wow... I can only imagine trying to explain that one to the Kindergarten teacher.

"uh, yeah... so her full name is 'The Gorf Monster Johnson,' but you and the other kids can call her Gorf for short..."

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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OK you silly gents.  My daughter's "nickname" is Gorf Monster, due to her appetite.  Anyhoo, thanks for the interest and otherwise supportive comments.


Dang, we razzed you on your very first post!

To be clear, welcome to the forums!
Either you are extreme "A" type personality or you have some former experience with DIY or electronics. You've got pot condoms, shrink tube, socketed trannys, color coordinated wiring, decal, etc.... anyway- good job mang!
Sent via soup cans and string.



Quote from: Om_Audio on February 28, 2012, 04:04:27 AM
Dang, we razzed you on your very first post!

To be clear, welcome to the forums!
Either you are extreme "A" type personality or you have some former experience with DIY or electronics. You've got pot condoms, shrink tube, socketed trannys, color coordinated wiring, decal, etc.... anyway- good job mang!
Thanks.  I suppose "A" type personality would fit.  That means awesome right?  I did poke around a few forums and sites to get myself ready....but it was my first build.  Lots of good sites and helpful people like yourselves to give a beginner like me the right start.


Welcome! Your skills bely great potential in the DIY.

Also, I really want to hear the story of how daughter came to be nick named "The Gorf Monster." I love it. I think it's fantastic that you've involved her with your new hobby too! I bet she's thrilled.

And sorry for the razzing, I am a bit silly at times.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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Quote from: jkokura on March 01, 2012, 03:32:40 AM
Welcome! Your skills bely great potential in the DIY.

Also, I really want to hear the story of how daughter came to be nick named "The Gorf Monster." I love it. I think it's fantastic that you've involved her with your new hobby too! I bet she's thrilled.

And sorry for the razzing, I am a bit silly at times.

No worries about the razzing.  Gotta laugh at life or it will laugh at you.  Nickname is because of her crazy I call eating a ton, pigging out etc "gorfing" hence she became the Gorf Monster.  This pedal seemed to fit the title and yes it's kinda cool to make it personal.  She's too young to know what it all means yet, but maybe someday she will think Dad was kinda cool.  Thanks