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Hello everyone!

Started by night-B, February 22, 2012, 09:53:27 AM

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Hi guys!
Haven't been here for months now...
My wife was at the hospital with a lund disease, at that moment I had to work and take care of the baby.
Then one day, when I went back home, I found the firemen spraying water on my smoking house  :'(
I lost lots of things in that fire. We lived in a friend house until the insurance gave us money to repair our house. Now I have an internet connection again and I still have lot of work to do.
I'm so happy to be here again, I missed my hobby and you guys. "Hopefully" all my parts were stored in my garage and none were burnt  ;D
I won't be able to finish some pedals in the near future and I have months of posts to read.
I already ordered a weener and a dirtbag, I was waiting for them eagerly befere the accident.

Ps: Haberdasher, I still have the GEs for you, and sorry for the huuuuuuuuuuuuuge delay  :P


Man! when it rains it pours.

Hope your good lady is ok and you get the house situ all sorted (at least no-one was in it).
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Glad to have you back around these parts.  Sorry for your misfortunes, life can be full of surprises.  Not always good though...

Contract PCB designer


Dang, I wondered what happened to you!

Sorry to hear about all the bad stuff, but I'm glad you're ok.  That is the most important thing, and now hopefully good fortune will follow the bad.

No worries about those GE's bro. We'll re-visit that later if you want.
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


Holy crap that's awful. I'm glad to see you check in. Welcome back!

If any of those parts DID get burned up, check out the new "parts bin" section---I'm pretty sure we could rustle up some donation components to replace the smoked ones :)


Holy Jules! Count me in. You need something, let me know.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


Welcome back man. Good to see you again. Sorry about that horrible series of events, you are due for something good in your life  ;)


Quote from: madbean on February 22, 2012, 12:46:03 PM
Holy crap that's awful. I'm glad to see you check in. Welcome back!

If any of those parts DID get burned up, check out the new "parts bin" section---I'm pretty sure we could rustle up some donation components to replace the smoked ones :)

Count me in too. Let us know what you may need and if I've got it, it's yours.


+1 Let us know what you need and I'll see what I can help with.

Sounds like you are overdue a bit of good luck mate!


Thanks guys! You are amazing  ;D
I hope bad luck is behind me  ???
I really appreciate the help. My part stock is safe, I still have a huge stock of trannies, resistors and caps and hallelujah my MN3005 I got from GTR2 is safe too lol. Only what I was working on has burnt on my desk.
There were some MBP PCBs, some resistors, caps, trannies, wire, solder, my soldering iron... This is a small amount of stuff I'll replace soon and it's not a big amount of cash. BTW I think I'll replace my cheap 10$ iron by a good weller soldering station. I won't make some pedals soon (or maybe by 1 hour here and there), I expect to finish my house this summer ::)
Here's a little photo from my cell phone.


Please let me know if you need anything.  I'd like to put together a care package as well.

Contract PCB designer


Very sorry to hear of the issues you have been facing. Hopefully things will turn around for you. I don't have a huge inventory of parts but I may have something you can use.


Thank you! I ordered a weller today  :D
I really miss my first guitar, and my orange amp.
I think I'll replace my guitar with a Baja Telecaster. If someone owns one please let me know what do you think about it, is it worth the money?
Talking about amp, is the submini amp project still on his way?


Quote from: night-B on February 23, 2012, 06:48:19 AM
Thank you! I ordered a weller today  :D
I really miss my first guitar, and my orange amp.
I think I'll replace my guitar with a Baja Telecaster. If someone owns one please let me know what do you think about it, is it worth the money?
Talking about amp, is the submini amp project still on his way?

I've got a Baja, very popular guitars and I don't know many people with them who don't rate them highly. A lot of guitar for the money. The only thing I'd do with it when you get it is give the back of the neck a very light sand as I find the lacquer they use quite sticky. Once that done it's nigh on perfect (unless you're me, who then pulls out the perfectly good pups and S1 wiring and replaces it all. It's a sickness I tell you).

Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Sorry to hear about your wife's disease. Thank God no one was hurt in that fire. Welcome back.