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Cave Dweller parts question

Started by mikexc, February 16, 2012, 07:16:27 AM

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Hi guys,

I'm trying to find parts for this pedal and it calls for on REG1 an LM78L05. I ordered from tayda a L78L05. I was wondering if anyone can tell me if this is the right part or do I need to get the "LM..." and where can I find the LM?



I got blisters on my fingers!!!


One note: 7805 and 78l05 can sometimes have different pinouts. The package drawing on the PCB is the pinout for the 78l05, which is what I used.

It's easy to test on your bread board, too. I do this quite regularly since I'm always forgetting which are the in and out pins on it.


Thanks guys - this is an amazing site, loving this place!