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1. RETROGRADE Tycobrahe Octavia

Started by Liustucru, February 12, 2012, 10:59:17 AM

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my first finished MADBEAN project.
I've done the Retrograde months ago.
I was a beginner, so the wiring is not neat at all but it works !!!

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Nice! Wiring looks neat enough to me.

Is the font engraved on the front?


Quote from: tagwap on February 13, 2012, 10:12:10 AM
Nice! Wiring looks neat enough to me.

Is the font engraved on the front?

Thanks  ;)
I'm now using solid core wire that helps especially for the 3pdt part.

Yes the font is engraved into the enclosure as for my Sunking :
I work in an Aerospace research laboratory and we have an old engraver which was used to make office labels.


I really like the engraving on the front! Congrats on your first build, with a little planning your wiring will get much neater.  :)
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on February 13, 2012, 04:48:52 PM
I really like the engraving on the front! Congrats on your first build, with a little planning your wiring will get much neater.  :)

Thank you  ;)


this is the second time I build this pedal, the first time I used  a pcd from another webpage and it worked great, but then iI try to make it and don´t know why it did work, finally, tryed this layout and bang!!!, it sound again, I changed the transistor, don't remeber  which I used but i´ll check  and post.

ammm and made the three pots version.

so here it is


Looks good! I'm looking forward to the fabbed board to be released for this one  ;D


nice, I've been wanting to build one of these for a while. I just made a Small Bear order, so I ended up buying the transformer so that way I've got it on hand.