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Advice needed: Building a multi fx

Started by tagwap, February 08, 2012, 01:54:03 PM

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Hi everyone,

I've built around 15 pedals now and I feel confident that I generally know what i'm doing but i'd like to challenge myself and build a 4 pedal multi fx. (much like the one Juansolo showed in the build reports recently)

The idea is to have a smaller board that i could just use for in church when i dont need my whole rig. I planned on a yellow shark into an egodriver into an ea tremolo into into a sea urchin. I can easily build these individually and drilling the enclosure is no problem but i have a few questions about wiring.

1. Are there any decent clear wiring diagrams for linking multiple effects into one enclosure? I had a quick look around but nothing seems super clear like brians diagrams are!

2. could i power all these from one dc input and how would i go about it?
(I wondered if i could build an extention of the dc jack on vero so i'd link the 9v power section of the dc to the vero and then go from that vero track to power the 4 individual pcbs, otherwise i'd have to fit 4 wires coming off the tiny dc jack. hope that makes sense. would this work or not?)

3. how do i need to wire the leds so that they are all the same brightness when they are switched on? would i need to link each led with its own resistor to the above mention vero dc jack extension?

Any advice offered here would be greatly received. Many Thanks.


It's pretty straightforward. The wire that normally goes from the footswitch to the output jack goes instead to the next footswitch at the point where the input jack would normally connect.

There's a great thread about it on Barry's Guitar PCB site here:

You can power the thing with one jack, junction the +9s and GNDs. Just make sure your power adapter puts out enough current. A One-Spot would be fine.

It's a great idea and I'm pretty sure you could do it in a DD enclosure.

Good Luck! Keep us posted on the progress!
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair



Those are great thank you.

Please can you explain what you mean by junction the 9v and grounds?


Quote from: tagwap on February 08, 2012, 10:04:29 PM
Those are great thank you.

Please can you explain what you mean by junction the 9v and grounds?

I just mean that you can connect the power and ground wires from each board to the DC jack. I said junction because 4 or 5 wires is a lot to connect to that spot.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Ok that's great thank you. Could I use a strip of vero for this junction? I could feed 4 9v wires from each pedal to a vero track and feed that same track to the appropriate dc jack lug.

Any advice about how to wire all the LEDs? Would they need to each be fed to the same lug or would you wire them to each other like a daisy chain?




That's exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you very much. :-)


Bit late to the party on this one.

Yep, just wire the stomps as you would normally. What would normally go to the out, goes to the in of the next stomp in the chain. Simple as that.

A little bit of vero as a power distribution hub isn't a bad idea to keep all the power/grounds somewhere handy. I tend to end up doing this also. Cuts down on the clutter.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk