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Macheen mods....Anyone got some?

Started by insomniac2295, February 07, 2012, 02:20:08 AM

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So, a friend of mine built a Macheen a while ago and now he wants me to populate it. I have a spare pre-drilled enclosure laying around that I'd like to use, however it is drilled for 4 knobs and the Macheen has 3. Does anyone have any mod ideas to fill up that extra knob spot? I'd hate to just put a dummy knob in there....


You could do a Bias control or a LPF as the extra pot.  Haven't tried it but could be fun, and easy to wire off board


Quote from: nzCdog on February 07, 2012, 02:33:27 AM
You could do a Bias control or a LPF as the extra pot.  Haven't tried it but could be fun, and easy to wire off board

How would you do a LPF?

Also, I just looked at the project page for the first time and saw that there's an internal trim pot. I'll probably end up putting that on the outside.

Anyways, about that low pass....


Get a 10K pot for the LPF 'Tone' control (Or whatever value you have really)

Connect a wire from the Volume pot Lug 2 to Tone pot Lug 2
Connect a 22-100n Cap from Tone pot lug 1 to ground (Vol pot Lug 1 will do)
All other wiring stays the same

Bigger cap = more tone roll-off, 47n is a good number to try
Might be good to tame the 'hair' of the tone, I installed one of my Poindexter, made it more usable IMO
Let us know if you like it :)


Thanks! I think Im going to give this a try. If I do, I'll be sure to report back on how it worked out!


I can upload a vid or audio if you want to see what a 2K external trim pot does. Macheen was my first build recently. Love it.
Sent via soup cans and string.


Quote from: Om_Audio on February 07, 2012, 09:25:35 AM
I can upload a vid or audio if you want to see what a 2K external trim pot does. Macheen was my first build recently. Love it.

Yeah, if you wouldn't mind! That would be awesome.


NP -will try to get it posted tomorrow- C
Sent via soup cans and string.


It is uploading and should be done in 30min- I hope it prooves helpful-

I can't figure out how to embed-
Sent via soup cans and string.


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