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Green Machine PastyFace

Started by lego4040, February 05, 2012, 06:03:59 PM

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Fuzz at its best, kunzuz over at byoc suppiled me with beastly RCA vintage Trannies, 300+ HFE on each. Enclosure weighs in over 5lbs, no one walking off with this one


nice enclosure. where did you get it?


thats very cool... +1 on the encosure, looks really vintage!


That's from a 40 horsepower cooling tower motor we ripped out a long time ago. I dont remember Trannies except theyre from RCA and Germanium PNP's. This took forever to drill out and I'll never drill one of these again ::)


That looks like it would take forever to tool. But the result is amazing. I LOVE the look of both of the builds you posted. Badass!


Here is the drill press I used to drill it out along with a lot of tooling oil


That's fantastic! I really love the look of the enclosure you used, though I can see how drilling would be a pain..
What a winner!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals