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New Additions

Started by pickdropper, February 04, 2012, 10:29:38 PM

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Well, I am finally starting to take pics of my builds.  This week, I boxed up four pedals, the Pork Barrel, Chunk Chunk, Cupcake and an EA Tremolo from GGG.

I still have to deal with labeling, but I have no idea when I'll get around to that, so I am posting them as they are now.

Group Shot

Pork Barrel

Chunk Chunk

EA Tremolo


And, for no real reason, my artistic macro Cupcake gutshot.   ;D

If I hadn't screwed up my last small bear order for pots, I also would have added a dirtbag and current lover.  Did I mention this is addicting?

Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Dang!  Pedal factory much?  Super tidy dude, your gut shots are a treat :o


Contract PCB designer


Thanks guys.

I can't imagine I will keep up this pace, but we'll see.

I still have a lot of boxing to do.  Three more populated pedal PCBs and four headphone amps.  Life is good.   :)
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper