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First Madbean project - Mudbunny "Violet Ram's Head"

Started by rlopes, February 03, 2012, 12:39:36 PM

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This is my very first build. I made some mistakes during the process and i would like to improve the finish in my next build but it came out very good for a first time build and best of all: i love the sound that came from it.



Nice one. Is that waterslide decal paper you used? Looks great.



Quote from: yerbouti on February 03, 2012, 01:57:01 PM
Nice one. Is that waterslide decal paper you used? Looks great.

No, it's transparency paper that i printed with a inkjet printer (reverse or mirror printing option). It gave me very good results but with waterslide decal maybe it would be even better. I also think that it could look better if i applied some more coats of clear laquer (i applied 5 thin coats but it still looks kind of fragil. Maybe i should've applied more coats).


Oh, and thank you for your kind words. I´ve learned a lot with all of you and i'm always learning everytime i came to the forum.


Sent via soup cans and string.


Very Pretty!

Mudbunnies are a great first build I think. Not too hard and not too easy; then sound GREAT afterwards!
I like your transparency paper use too. :) Good stuff!  ;D