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Career change

Started by nzCdog, January 20, 2012, 08:30:19 PM

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Two weeks till I start, can't wait ;D


Won't be long until you say "2 weeks to go and I'm out...can't wait "



Good luck indeed! Any change from the career path you're on--especially if it's a successful one--takes some courage. I was well along the PhD path but left that when it no longer made sense for where I was at that time in life (i.e. my first daughter had been born recently and taking her to Southeast Asia while I was doing field research didn't seem advisable!). My advisors thought I was crazy, but the experiences I had have certainly helped me career-wise up to now. I'll put it this way--making these changes along the way have helped me be more able to do things like start building effects pedals if I like!

So all the best on your new path!


Thanks Bret...  My job has been an exciting but demanding one, kind of like yours it sounds.  Not everyone understands my decision as it looks like a glamorous job with lots of perks from the outside... but I need a change to a more family friendly routine!  Its nice to know I'm not alone in making drastic life decisions. Goodbye late-model company vehicle... and hello bicycle!  :D


I have said it for years. For me my life is not defined by my career and any success I have in it. My life is defined by what kind of husband, brother, son and friend I am. That simple. I've worked with so many people over the years who work themselves into the ground at the cost of their family. Sure, they make more money and have lots of material goods. Whatever is most important to them I say. For me, I make as much as I can within the context of my wife and my life comes first (we don't have kids).

Anyway, it sounds like you have chosen a path with less stress, more fun and a better quality of life. My God who wouldn't want that I say !


Thanks TN, I appreciate the encouragement. :)

Well the first day was intense... crammed with a tonne of atomic theory and math... :o  Including a 'long multiplication/division' assessment at the end of the day, and no calculators allowed! Hmmm... TBH I'm a bit rusty on my 638 times-tables, but we got there ;)
I can feel my brain right now... throbbing :o  

Can't wait for tomorrow!


Holy lost me after the phrase "atomic theory"  ???

Did I say stress free  :'(

My bad !