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Moose Knuckle Sandwich - Dizzy Elk [Get Rad]

Started by jessenator, September 25, 2024, 05:28:41 PM

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A scuffle at the bar. Two idiots beyond the tipsy are pointing at the barmaids, occasionally opening their mouths with a shred of coherence, swiping at passersby, nigh on spitting. The bouncer is asleep, and the shadowy loner in the corner calmly looks over, sighs, and looks down at his drink. The voices get a bit louder, and the doorman is still chatting up a hopeful patron. My boy picks up his pint, finishes it with a light lip smacking, and quietly stands up walking towards the bar with a casual gait.

"Let's go, boys" he flatly says as they are frog-marched out the back, and gives them the trouncing of their lives. All the two bloodied hooligans remember from the night's altercation were the snout, the gloves, and the ...tightness of the jeans the antlered avenger was wearing.

Eyy, look, a not-Fallout-themed pedal for once  : P

I've finally gotten around to finishing up the Dizzy Elk from @peccary who graciously send one my way. I took my time, and breadboarded to audtion a few bits. Went with MP38A spaceships for Q1 & Q2 & a towering AC127 (generously gifted by @jwin615 ) for Q3. The transistor is apparently a D9K, but the bag I had it in was labeled differently. But whatever, I like it. Tweaked C4 and C5 to have a larger gap (100x vs 10x), at 330n and 3n3 respectively.

The enclosure I decided to hand drill and laser my design. The original intent was to burn in a stencil of sorts and paint fill. While it didn't go like I originally envisioned, it turned out how I want. I like the antiqued look (hey, Fender adds a $10k surcharge for dentists who want this on their strats they'll never play 🤡 )

How it sound? I think this thing has some killer tone and flexibility for a fuzz. I've been fuzz touring since I got back into this, and it's a mighty fine machine.

Thanks for lookin eyes are up here.

Aleph Null

Pure poetry! Love the expertly placed foot switch. Did you commission the artwork? Did you find it somewhere? I can't imagine what the search terms would be to find an image like that...



That one is ai generated. I'm winding down my use of it in my designs, to be honest, but this one was too good.


Dude, this looks amazing! Nice, clean layout, cool graphic, and good typography. I'd love to hear it. I don't tend to be a fan of knobs with labels that don't clearly indicate the effect, but in this case it fits so well with the theme that I like it. Well done!


Quote from: satchmo1991 on September 26, 2024, 12:48:03 AMDude, this looks amazing! Nice, clean layout, cool graphic, and good typography. I'd love to hear it. I don't tend to be a fan of knobs with labels that don't clearly indicate the effect, but in this case it fits so well with the theme that I like it. Well done!
Haha thanks.

I do love the sound, I'm just bashful about recording. I had a rather cavalier approach with earlier builds, but I want to make a small amount of effort going forward :)

I'd call it somewhere between a Buzzaround and a Bosstone, but that's just me.

I've talked myself down a few times with control labeling—going off the rails in the idea bin. I often wonder if off the chain labeling is worse than no labels, to be honest. At a certain point if it's blank, but you still like the pedal, then you just memorize what each one does or just the position of them for your tone. Other times maybe it just seems like I'm ripping off Lamb...

Aleph Null

Quote from: jessenator on September 26, 2024, 04:52:09 PMI've talked myself down a few times with control labeling—going off the rails in the idea bin. I often wonder if off the chain labeling is worse than no labels, to be honest. At a certain point if it's blank, but you still like the pedal, then you just memorize what each one does or just the position of them for your tone. Other times maybe it just seems like I'm ripping off Lamb...

I have a few pedals with unlabeled controls. To me, there's a point at which it's too many knobs to keep track of. The acceptable number goes up if there are design conventions I can follow (I know what knob does what on a two or three knob dirt box), or other hints (like knob color). I think the same threshold should apply for wacky labels as does unlabeled controls. Of course, if you're building for yourself, do whatever makes you happy.



Quote from: Aleph Null on September 26, 2024, 07:42:13 PMI have a few pedals with unlabeled controls. To me, there's a point at which it's too many knobs to keep track of. The acceptable number goes up if there are design conventions I can follow (I know what knob does what on a two or three knob dirt box), or other hints (like knob color). I think the same threshold should apply for wacky labels as does unlabeled controls. Of course, if you're building for yourself, do whatever makes you happy.

I hear you. Also, I saw a klein bottle build today and thought, "I don't care how that's labeled, that's too much of $knob"

Quote from: jwin615 on September 26, 2024, 08:17:02 PM:D Lovely as always!

Thanks, dude! I'm hoping it will work out when I tackle RICHIE MARCUS, since I'll be doing the Promenade pedal by hand. And, well, depending on how things play out in the next week or so, I might be doing them all by hand :P