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Electra 500D | parts orientation and sanity check

Started by jessenator, December 29, 2023, 08:26:37 AM

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Quote from: jessenator on December 30, 2023, 04:29:17 PM
Quote from: jimilee on December 30, 2023, 03:59:12 PM
Ah perfect, thank you. Looking at the second schematic, the diodes are clipping, so as long as the are facing opposite directions, it doesn't matter which way they are oriented. The NPNs are a buffer, so you can go without them, if you want.

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Awesome, thanks, Jimmy!

So would a more better modified schematic look like this? I.e. if I wanted to prep this for true bypass?

I chopped it based on what I see on the the OD250.

More like this.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Cool cool. Thanks, I'll breadboard that config later today


Quote from: jimilee on December 30, 2023, 04:34:32 PM
More like this.

Yeah! That's got it. Thanks, man.

It's definitely a bit anemic on the output volume side. Nixing components connected to pin 2 of LEVEL and putting pin 1 to ground makes it behave more like the output on an OD-1. Could make it toggled with a DPDT, I think.



Quote from: jessenator on December 30, 2023, 09:03:29 PM
Quote from: jimilee on December 30, 2023, 04:34:32 PM
More like this.

Yeah! That's got it. Thanks, man.

It's definitely a bit anemic on the output volume side. Nixing components connected to pin 2 of LEVEL and putting pin 1 to ground makes it behave more like the output on an OD-1. Could make it toggled with a DPDT, I think.

Interesting. Removing the buffers should have made it loud. Using GEs would have that effect. 1n914s or LEDs should bring it back to life.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Ope. I did something screwy. Plugging it into a real amp and not my desktop jobbie got me no sound. Switching R19 from VB to GND made it work. It's also got more output now.

I can still get a little bit more from bypassing R16 C15 and R19, routing LEVEL pin 1 to ground. I'll have to play more and hear if it's worth it to keep the switch in it. Oh, I also had DIST wired backwards in my initial redraw, so that's fixed now.

edit: my fog brain is acting up again. New post and demo incoming. It's not moar volyoom, it's something else.


It's like the clipping is more pronounced. It's after the clipping section, but it just sounds more bright. Might just keep it with a switch.


renamed thread...

One thing I've been thinking about is the FSB drawn schematic, and while there's talk about TBP vs buffered for everything, I'm wondering about why it wouldn't work the first time(s) I breadboarded it.

For some reason, it shows a PNP in this portion of the buffer:

I'm looking at the OD-1's schematic as a sort of reference point (LED indicator section) and wonder if the fixed "drawing error" in the final version of the traced Mysto-Dysto schematic missed that, or if it was the correction? Not throwing shade, just curious.

The parts list/board pics of the Mysto-Dysto in the OP on FSB has all NPNs (2SC1815) listed, with two JFETs (2SK30A). Who knows, maybe the ID of the parts was wrong, but part of me wants to replicate the original board (mostly), just for kicks.

Did it Illustrator first, because I thought I would etch again:

Thought better of that and did one in Eagle (it's weird doing a board sans schematic...):

I mean, at the end of the day, thanks to jimilee, I've got a usable TBP schematic. This part is just for fun.