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Peacock Parallel Fuzz

Started by Aleph Null, December 11, 2023, 08:56:13 PM

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Holy smokes.. I got this switch assembled and I'm trying some parallel combinations today.
This thing is going to solve so many EQ and gain issues- I can't wait to test it out with bass and drums in the room!

Criticism is encouraged: constructive, or otherwise.

Aleph Null

Quote from: dawson on January 23, 2024, 12:34:46 AM
Holy smokes.. I got this switch assembled and I'm trying some parallel combinations today.

I expect mk. II to have four loops, with stereo panning, and adjustable millisecond delays for that authentic quad-tracking sound!  :P

But, seriously, I'd love to know what cool combinations you find. Also, what potentiometer arrangement did you end up with?


I wired up different pairings using my go-to drive circuits: Peach Fuzz, Cream Puff, Timmy vII, Crunch Box & fOXX Tone Machine.

Peach Fuzz + Timmy is a monster.
I've been struggling for years to transition from fuzzy rhythm tone to fuzzy lead tone.  When it comes time for a lead, I'm often so saturated with gain that I can't clearly poke through the band mix, even with my AC30 fully cranked.  A solution I'm forced into is to reducing gain.. which also reduces 'cool..' so having the ability to leave the rhythm fuzz ON, while adding a nice, clear overdrive alongside of it allows for a much more prominent sound that doesn't lose 'coolness.'
Also, starting with overdrive, then adding fuzz underneath is great in some songs.
I haven't tested it full-band yet, but I've got really high hopes based on what I'm hearing.

Peach Fuzz + Crunch Box
Cream Puff + Timmy II
Cream Puff + Crunch Box
These combinations can do the same tricks in different flavors.

Issues with the Tone machine make me suspect it's out-of-phase, so I built up a little phase switch from that schematic you posted (THANK YOU!) -I'm about to test that out.
Criticism is encouraged: constructive, or otherwise.

Aleph Null

Quote from: dawson on January 23, 2024, 06:48:49 PM
I wired up different pairings using my go-to drive circuits: Peach Fuzz, Cream Puff, Timmy vII, Crunch Box & fOXX Tone Machine.

Peach Fuzz + Timmy is a monster.
I've been struggling for years to transition from fuzzy rhythm tone to fuzzy lead tone.  When it comes time for a lead, I'm often so saturated with gain that I can't clearly poke through the band mix, even with my AC30 fully cranked.  A solution I'm forced into is to reducing gain.. which also reduces 'cool..' so having the ability to leave the rhythm fuzz ON, while adding a nice, clear overdrive alongside of it allows for a much more prominent sound that doesn't lose 'coolness.'
Also, starting with overdrive, then adding fuzz underneath is great in some songs.
I haven't tested it full-band yet, but I've got really high hopes based on what I'm hearing.

Peach Fuzz + Crunch Box
Cream Puff + Timmy II
Cream Puff + Crunch Box
These combinations can do the same tricks in different flavors.

Issues with the Tone machine make me suspect it's out-of-phase, so I built up a little phase switch from that schematic you posted (THANK YOU!) -I'm about to test that out.

That's awesome! The rhythm/lead thing is definitely something I butted up against too. I think it would be cool to try delays and modulation in parallel as well...I might have to work up a parallel looper.

Aleph Null

This video came out today. I different exploration of parallel dirt.


Quote from: Aleph Null on February 16, 2024, 08:21:52 PM
This video came out today. I different exploration of parallel dirt.

that's a great demo!

I've only got an Angry Driver (haven't gotten to the PPF yet :( ) for parallel, but it's really neat to hear it all collected in a sound test like that.


Prototype Peacock PCB's are in production!
Criticism is encouraged: constructive, or otherwise.


Quote from: dawson on February 17, 2024, 01:24:29 AM
Prototype Peacock PCB's are in production!

Parallel SCHMöRG!  ;D

Looks great! Can't wait to see in built.

Feral Feline


Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?

Aleph Null

It looks like Dawson hasn't been active for a couple of months and no one has received a PCB from him (hopefully, he is doing well!), so I'm thinking about making PCBs for this circuit myself. I already have a working pedal, so I'd want to make something that other people would want to build. I have a few questions for you all:

  • Is anyone still interested in a PCB?
  • Would you prefer the original compact 125B layout, or a larger 1590BB layout for more space between the foot switches?
  • Should I keep the original 30° knob angle or stick with a more standard ortholinear layout?
  • Are there any additional features you wish the circuit had?

Let me know what you think!


1. Yes
2. 1590BB (vertical)
3. I like the 30° look, but I'm a lazy SOB and prefer pcb-mounted pots
4. nope

Aleph Null

Quote from: jessenator on July 25, 2024, 07:24:59 PM1. Yes
2. 1590BB (vertical)
3. I like the 30° look, but I'm a lazy SOB and prefer pcb-mounted pots
4. nope

Pots would be PCB mounted Whether at 30° or 90°. I'll provide a drill template for whatever layout we end up using.


Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?