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So...anyone else excited?

Started by madbean, June 24, 2023, 10:35:13 AM

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After Fallout 4 and 76, I'm skeptical still. It looks nice, but 30 fps is a no for me and when I heard "1000 worlds" all I heard was another Todd lie. I'll have to wait until a couple of months after release to see.

The ship building is for sure interesting, I didn't really care for the base building in F4 and I hope the game play is not centered around that this time.
That which burns twice as bright, burns half as long.


I'm skeptically optimistic. There's a lot of visceral "wow" happening in the promo and gameplay material, but like Wonko said, given their track record I'm hesitant to go all in on the excitement. I'll be happy to be proven wrong though :)

I'm getting strong No Man's Sky vibes (and maybe that's because I haven't done other space-faring titles other than that and Outer Worlds), but maybe they learned from both it and 76 enough to not make the same mistakes. Again, there's optimism in there someplace.

I think my biggest fear is the monetization factor that will happen. I didn't play 76, but from what I've seen it was a big disappointment to me for them to include that in a game. Since it's single-player, my hopes are a bit higher, but you never know. I definitely have a bias towards single-player titles, and given the disaster of 76's launch, I'm assuming they've realized the Creation engine is not meant for such feats.

The 30fps thing might be a hedging of expectations, but I could be way off there—haven't deep dived into any specifics, just skimming the gameplay videos. I also don't know what their console targets are (which is likely the lowest common denominator they have to aim at). It's a completely new IP, so I imagine they're going to be conservative with a lot, since there's no historical expectation. OR they could be doing the opposite, pulling out all the stops, and really going for it.

76 suffered from many different things, but what was most pervasive among all of those failures was a cumulative effect, due to the wave of adulation that came from Fallout 4 ignoring the glaring issues at launch (and beyond). Joseph Anderson does a great job outlining that in one of his videos on the topic.

Since it's a new IP and no legacy fanboy/girl buoyancy to latch onto, I hope they're doing it right this time.


Oh, so it's a game and not a movie.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I dunno.  No Man's Sky.... Battlecruiser 3k....  Spore... Daikatana....