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Black Forest - Jok3rX Uberschall

Started by Willybomb, February 19, 2023, 12:34:13 PM

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Gudday all.  I pulled my initial Hellboy build apart a while ago as there was some squealing going on occasionally, probably due to having two high gain vero circuits sandwiched next to each other in the one 1590DD.  I reclaimed and filled that box with just the Seventh Heaven, and finally got around to boxing up the Black Forest.

Again, this is a tayda drilled, powdercoated, and UV printed enclosure.  It's their gloss black powdercoat, but only white printed.  Interestingly, you can change up the opacity in the white layer and this is how I did the faded forest graphics.

When setting out the UV print template I forgot about the clearance needed for a 2dpt so the "Width" control has been hardwired
and replaced with a dummy pot to fill the hole.  I'd actually meant to put gain/vol/width on the second row to get that clearance from the jacks, but I forgot and there you go...

I promise to get some knobs shortly.



Quote from: Willybomb on February 19, 2023, 12:34:13 PM
Interestingly, you can change up the opacity in the white layer and this is how I did the faded forest graphics.

Wow. So is that the actual opacity percentage in Illustrator's transparency or a screen/value of the rdg_white swatch in the Color/Colour panel?

That's very cool to know. I wondered about that, but didn't dare experiment with my last order.

Nice job with the refit!


Thanks, and yeah, it's just the opacity slider up the top.  I also did this with my Clone of Tones Deluxe.