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The Sardine Tin (#2) | [Univox Super-Fuzz-like]

Started by jessenator, February 15, 2023, 04:19:24 PM

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I might be jumping the gun, but when matmosphere put out a feeler for a second PFUKR fundraiser, I wanted to be a part of it this time. And please don't mistake this as disingenuous or a grab for fake internet points. I just need to get it out, and then I can go back to making silly pedal artwork again.

Having lived among Lithuanians 20 years ago, I grew to love those people; marvel at their successes and rebuilding, and be saddened by their history—parallel to Ukraine, and nearly every other former Soviet "Republic." I've read, heard, and seen what happens to those on the path to and from conflicts, skirmishes, wars, and petty power grabs. Hell, even heard some of their firsthand accounts—harrowing. Now we're seeing it more clearly than we've ever done.

QuoteIt can happen again. It will keep happening. If war doesn't change, men must change, and so must their symbols.
Even though the quote's source/medium might seem trivial or flippant to some, when I heard that for the first time I felt it hard thinking about the Baltic people—what would happen to them if a raging @#$!wit went on the rampage. And last year I felt it again, wondering what is next, how long...

So here is a symbol: a sunflower.

To the jaded, simply an oxygen-emitting, self-replicating manifestation of chlorophyll and other compounds to make them yellow.

To others, a source of commerce in the form of agriculture.

To Ukrainians— our fellow humans—still fighting, a symbol of defiance and un-killable spirit.

It is not a banner of conquest, of megalomanic zeal, or any other lust of power and influence over fellow humans. It is an embodiment of freedom, however insignificant the casual cynic might see it, try to justify and categorize it. And then I think: what is my symbol? Does it need to change? I can't force the minds of others, but here's hoping and praying that the people's defiant stand will forever shine against the stained blades of the oppressor.

QuoteIt's said war - war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk.
Let us wish Godspeed to (and do what we can to help) these souls as they press on their road to win their freedom.