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Bassick - Brenja's Bass Driver 3.1 pcb

Started by Willybomb, February 05, 2023, 01:49:41 PM

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Gudday all.  I'm currently on another pedal finishing run now that my tayda order arrived.  This is is Bassick, using Brenja's Bass Driver 3.1 PCB he sold me 3 years ago (sorry mate, just getting around to it now).

I had an issue getting the fet switching to work, (it just powered up into "on" and wouldn't bypass) so I went back to the 2.0 docs that I used in my Phat Boy build and wired it for a 3pdt.  This took a couple of hours as I couldn't get it to work.  Don't know what I finally did right but the wiring I finally did was identical to the docs - but my initial identical wiring (also identical to the docs) didn't work and it just gave a bypassed signal. Anyway...

While my tayda drill template had all the right distances, I didn't place it high up enough in the enclosure and I had to really jam the 3pdt and output 1/4 jack in tight up against the pcb.  The pcb was actually extending into the hole.  Anway....

All things being equal, I'm glad I stuck with trying to get it all to work and fit.  In the end after all that there's something weird going on with the level pot that I sorted by really tightening it down - while it was wobbling the sound cut out unless I lent on it a certain way.  This isn't an ideal solution but there's no way I'm pulling this apart to deal with it now.




Nice troubleshooting work on the wiring.

W/re: placement—I feel you. The first couple of builds of my superfuzz tribute board have the enclosed jacks sitting right on top of the board, and required a relocation of some of the caps.

I've taken to mocking it up and checking measurements multiple times in Illustrator (and in 3D) to make sure I've got enough clearance. That said, I really hope the enclosures I've got in the queue are spaced out enough 😅


Yeah, I have the pcbs/veros scaled out to the right size for placement purposes normally, but didn't think to in this case for some reason.