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Doc - Modded Dist+ with clean blend.

Started by Willybomb, February 03, 2023, 03:32:33 AM

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Gudday all.  Had a guy see some of my builds and he contacted me asking for something to make his bass sound epic.  So, I went with the usual modded Dist+ jobbie.  He supplied the artwork and off we went.  I decided to try an Emexar pcb from the Guitarpcb Australian distributor as I had an order to get anyway.

I did have an issue with the print as somewhere along the line I'd misaligned it in Illustrator - probably because I was in a rush and had/wanted to get an order off.  I also forgot to specify the size of the jack holes so I had to drill those out from the stock 3mm holes.  I told the client and told him I'd make it good and give a discount as a result.  I scrapped the print off with my thumbnail and it looks fine, the minimal blem is covered by the washer and knob.  Dude was cool with it.

Anyway, here's Doc.  Don't ask me about the name or the graphics, he supplied those and it was originally going be called "Richo" after an AFL player.  I have no idea who Doc is.

It's a little noisey for my tastes.  I don't recall having this issue with my Darth Punk or Bass Bomb builds - both on vero.


Quote from: Willybomb on February 03, 2023, 03:32:33 AM
was originally going be called "Richo" after an AFL player.  I have no idea who Doc is.

I remember these commercials and the guy in them who was a notorious footie man in the day (definitely didn't know it as a kid). Also was on a short-lived US TV series about a trucker or something...The Highwayman?

This was definitely the better of the two performance careers in the States :P

I asked another Aussie, who's about my age, if they recognized him and they had no clue, so go figure. Must be you have to be into football to know the names. In other news, I have a great idea for a pedal's artwork now ;D The Jacko

Your build came out rather nice! I must say, though I don't appreciate the trend on a car body, that matte black is fantastic! Also, I'd never seen that mod for the Dist+; is that a bass-specific mod, or?


Matt black?  It's Tayda's Matt Army Green, iirc.

Th fellow you're talking about - Mark Jackson - was a big deal in the footy when I was a kid, but it was back in the 80's when it was a Victorian league.

I did like the Highwayman back in the day, but only lasted 6 eps or something.  It was one of those high tech military weapon shows like Airwolf or Blue Thunder, except in a truck.

He did release this at one stage:


Quote from: Willybomb on February 03, 2023, 09:03:11 AM
Matt black?  It's Tayda's Matt Army Green, iirc.

Th fellow you're talking about - Mark Jackson - was a big deal in the footy when I was a kid, but it w

Ah, my bad. I'll blame it on sleep and my screen filter :P great job nonetheless!

Awesome! Yeah i knew it was something like that, i don't think I watched the show on the day but whenever his Energizer commercials were on, my friend would say, "Highwayman!" and I'd just go along with it. I think I also confused him with Vyvyan in my collective memory until a few years ago, even though there's barely a resemblance.

Airwolf is a great comparison. Poor Jan Michael Vincent, though :(